Thursday, March 10, 2011


At this early stage of Lent, the Church calls us to look at the summons of Moses in today’s 1st reading. This is to consider our own lives and reflect on it. These summons us to a moral decision and about one’s faith. Do we choose evil or goodness, prosperity or doom. The goodness of the law and our Lord is something we must choose or destruction must come upon us. The commandments of God are given for our own good. It is not simply an imposition of something to spoil what we think is fun. Why is it good to follow the commandments? Think of our parents preventing us when we were still young from playing ball in a wide street. They are doing this not just to spoil the fun but to protect us. This is a cause for reflection to make us think of the commandments that God has given us to follow. When we realize that our parents do this to protect us and work for our own good, this will help us to understand God’s commandments. Part of the Lenten season is to obey the commandments. If we may recall, in the year 587, Judah was conquered by the Babylonians but maintained their identity and continued their Jewish tradition. Their difference from people in the north lies in the fact that they have the stronger propensity to worship Baal and pagan gods. Those from the north diffused their faith in the Lord their God. They lost their identity and ceased to exist as tribes. In fact studies show that there is no trace or any idea where they are right now. They were just known as the 10 lost tribes of Israel. Whereas the tribe of Judah listened to the prophets, like Isaiah and Ezekiel, while in Babylon and continued to worship the one true God. We may identify with them in our present life. We have forces that would tear us away from God. We need to cling and hold fast to God by loving and obeying His commandments. This is what will preserve our identity. We are a nation and people of God. Amen. Hallelujah!

Dt 30:15-20
Moses said to the people: “Today I have set before you life and prosperity, death and doom. If you obey the commandments of the LORD, your God, which I enjoin on you today, loving him, and walking in his ways, and keeping his commandments, statutes and decrees, you will live and grow numerous, and the LORD, your God, will bless you in the land you are entering to occupy. If, however, you turn away your hearts and will not listen, but are led astray and adore and serve other gods, I tell you now that you will certainly perish;…

Until now, we have no idea who we are and still in a conflict. Look at the things we do and engage in. This is because we don’t understand who we are. We will be judged by God according to our behavior. We should have God in the core of our identity. Amen. Hallelujah!

Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6
R. (40:5a) Blessed are they who hope in the Lord.
Blessed the man who follows not the counsel of the wicked Nor walks in the way of sinners, nor sits in the company of the insolent, But delights in the law of the LORD
and meditates on his law day and night.
We must not lose the sense of who we are as a people. We are given choices, life or goodness, death or destruction. This choice is a moral choice. It does not mean that if we obey God we are going to win big prizes. It means also that we are picking up the cross and following Him. This is the season of prayer and fasting in preparation for holy week when we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus. He calls us to do the same by picking up the cross to which we die. We actually don’t die daily but only once. There is a sense of dying when we daily pick up our cross and die spiritually. The evil within us dies so that we can respond to our daily call to follow Jesus. It is to have a daily conversion to follow Jesus to choose goodness and life over death and evil, so we’ll have the power to die to our cross and do what is for ourselves possible. Somehow when we die to ourselves we lose a certain type of prosperity by following Christ. We don’t acquire great riches but that doesn’t mean failure. As the gospel tells us today, we gain eternal life, salvation in heaven and inherit the kingdom that God has prepared for us. Amen. Hallelujah!

Lk 9:22-25
Jesus said to his disciples: “The Son of Man must suffer greatly and be rejected
by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed and on the third day be raised.” Then he said to all, “If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it. What profit is there for one to gain the whole world yet lose or forfeit himself?”

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