Tuesday, July 24, 2012


We always see these words of Jesus in the gospel, "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” As the Apostle Paul says, “On behalf of Christ, we are acting as ambassadors and appealing that you return to God.” God is appealing to us to be reconciled to Him through Christ. What could be done so that God is pleased with us rather than angry at us? Who can have qualms about God's mercy if we seriously return to Him? He will certainly welcome those who return as the Loving Father to His prodigal son. We are free to sin but later on must pay the heaviest penalty of the consequences of sin. When we have returned to God how can we can continue receiving His forgiveness and remain His friends, sons and daughters. What does He asks of us? Nothing except that we keep His commandments. The Apostle John explains that His commandments are not burdensome, if it is to us how much more are the torments of hell. Unless we are mad, we don't dare want to experience it. We have to think of it over and over again and never forget. Now is the time of mercy but later the time of justice. One can easily square accounts with God with a small effort of repentance we can gain great forgiveness. With a brief mourning one can avoid eternal wailing. But later the riches of the whole earth could not even gain a single drop of cold water or a dip in a burning tongue as in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:24). On the other hand any good work done now in account of charity can obtain the kingdom of heaven. What could be clearer than what the 1st reading is telling us today? The time to act is now. Amen. Hallelujah!
Micah 7:14-15, 18-20

Who is there like you, the God who removes guilt and pardons sin for the remnant of his inheritance; Who does not persist in anger forever, but delights rather in clemency, And will again have compassion on us, treading underfoot our guilt? You will cast into the depths of the sea all our sins;…

God wants to manifest His light, love and grace to all of us. We see what love looks like in Jesus His Son and everything else is poured out in Him by God our Father. Amen. Hallelujah!

Ps 85:2-4, 5-6, 7-8Responsorial Psalm
R. (8a) Lord, show us your mercy and love.
...You have forgiven the guilt of your people; you have covered all their sins. You have withdrawn all your wrath; you have revoked your burning anger. ...abandon your displeasure against us.

Today is a gift from God coupled with new strength to astutely and resolutely follow that is why it is called the present. We are all called to become part of God's great family. It is all up to us if we seriously want it too. As the gospel today tells us, we are the brothers and sisters of Jesus if we do the will of God the Father.  Let us remember that our prayer is most effective when we obey the will of God in our lives. Amen. Hallelujah!

Mt 12:46-50Gospel
..."Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?" And stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my heavenly Father is my brother, and sister, and mother."

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