Friday, July 13, 2012


Let us not harbor any ill feelings, negative thoughts and guilt in us. It is a very heavy burden that we are needlessly carrying along with us. We may not be fully aware of it but these things are going to pull us down if not abruptly then gradually. Before we even know it we are already stuck in the mud of this vicious and malicious deception of the enemy.  Let us always maintain a good disposition no matter how difficult and wearisome our situations are. Whatever painful or hard situations we are going through right now is just part of God's plan to bring out the best in us. If we stay in faith and turn away from sin with a firm and good heart then we will surely see the path of the Lord very clearly before us. Amen. Hallelujah!

Hosea 14:2- Thus says the LORD: Return, O Israel, to the LORD, your God; you have collapsed through your guilt...Because of me you bear fruit! 10 Let him who is wise understand these things; let him who is prudent know them. Straight are the paths of the LORD, in them the just walk, but sinners stumble in them.

There is nothing that could separate us from the love of God. Let us not be deceived nor dissuaded to believe otherwise. God’s love is always present and available for us. All we need to do is reach out for it because God is a gentleman and would never force Himself on us. There has always been a raging battle between God and satan. Though it has already been won, satan just won’t give up. He continues to wreak havoc and evil among us in his desperation to bring misery into our lives and share in his condemnation. He doesn’t have the tiniest power over us and he can only have it if and only if we give in to his lies, deceptions and false promises. We need to make this conscious decision each and every single day for the Lord. We need to purge ourselves of the impurities of our souls we have to go through a certain process that will render us with a clean heart. Amen. Hallelujah!

Psalm 51:3-4, 8-9, 12-13, 14, 17R: My mouth will declare your praise.
1 [3] Have mercy on me, O God, in your goodness; in the greatness of your compassion wipe out my offense… 10 [12] A clean heart create for me, O God, and a steadfast spirit renew within me. 11 [13] Cast me not out from your presence, and your Holy Spirit take not from me.

God is indeed talking to us personally in each and every situation we have. The gospel reminded me of the wonderful homily which made me cry. It was on the eve of Christmas 2011 when I read a very bad medical report of a loved one. It was just so consoling that immediately the Lord assured me in the homily of the priest the following day which was Christmas day when I heard him say the very words which I have been holding on to as if my life depended on it. He said that there is no reason to be afraid. God can turn our fears into hope and joy. He takes delight in His people for Him to take the form of man to be with us. He came in the most humble way a King could ever have. He did not even have an inn that could at least keep him warm and comfortable but was born in a manger housed together with the farm animals. Gathering from this point of view I should say without a doubt that we indeed have no reason to be afraid. What a way to demonstrate that awesome and reckless love of God for man that He allowed Himself to go this far and even much farther to a cross in Calvary. This is something we should all treasure in our hearts. It has been almost 6 months ago since I learned the unpleasant news about a sick loved one. The fact that she is still around and being endowed with the miracle in the form of the life extension that God is giving her testifies to God’s abiding love and mercy.  This is also coupled with another miracle in the recovery of an uncle from an auto immune disease which rendered him paralyzed at about the same time I found out about the worsening condition of another loved one. Yesterday was his birthday and marked also the time when he could now walk by himself. What an assuring God we have that there is really nothing more we can do but focus on Him who alone can save us in all our distress. Though the grim reality of this world is undeniably present among us and continues to assail us as highlighted in today's gospel in the form of a warning to all of us. We have to persevere to the end and never lose heart, for only the steadfast will finish the race and win the crown of salvation. There is a need for us to look beyond our fears and live with hope and joy persevering to the end. Whatever we are going through, it could be something that we are presently enjoying or suffering at the moment, we need to keep in mind that all things will soon come to pass. Not a single thing in this world will remain, as the scriptures say, “Heaven and earth will fail but God’s words will still remain.”  These things we need to be aware and completely confident of because we are facing a lot of challenges in life and we need to make decisions and choices with regards to it. How many times have we experienced waiting and getting ready for something but due to some delays we started to lose patience and wonder if it’s going to come at all. Or we began to be preoccupied with other things that we’ve lost our focus. We start off with wonderful beginnings but not a happy ending. When we begin to conform to values of this world and start to forget who we really are and what we are called for then the worst happens. God is the author of our life and He has written for us a wonderful beginning and it’s all up to us to live it towards its beautiful ending by walking down the path that the Lord Himself prepared for us. He has loved and respected us so much that He has given us our free wills. At the final hour, nothing we did in the past whether it’s good and noble would ever count if we have fallen into the enemy’s trap because only the one who perseveres and endures to the end will be saved. This is the only winning chance of satan, to lure us into that situation as his only and last ditch effort. We have already been saved and this status of continuously being saved until we breathe our last depends solely on us. Whether we allow ourselves to be duped by the enemy or treasure this everlasting gift from God is completely up to us. Amen. Hallelujah!

Matthew 10:17-22
17 Jesus said to his disciples: “Beware of people, for they will hand you over to courts and scourge you in their synagogues, 18 and you will be led before governors and kings for my sake as a witness before them and the pagans. 19 When they hand you over, do not worry about how you are to speak or what you are to say. You will be given at that moment what youare to say. 20 For it will not be you who speak but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you. 21 Brother will hand over brother to death, and the father his child; children will rise up against parents and have them put to death. 22 You will be hated by all because of my name, but whoever endures to the end will be saved.”

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