Thursday, July 12, 2012


If God will make an accounting of all our sins then we will all end up in hell. No one deserves heaven if we will be judged according to human standard. Thank God, He is God. And yet we still have doubts and uncertainties in life. We go through life and encounter so many things that we put our spirits down. God assures in today’s 1st reading that we need not be disappointed or discouraged for we are depending on a God who is not like man. We can always maintain a high level of confidence that we are a people of God well taken care of. Amen. Hallelujah!

Hosea 11: 1-4, 8c-9
... 9 I will not give vent to my blazing anger, I will not destroy Ephraim again; For I am God and not man, the Holy One present among you; I will not let the flames consume you.

Let us never grow weary of the things that life bring to us but rather look to God always for help and we will be saved. We must not let ourselves be defeated by the things that we encounter in life knowing that we are being sustained and strengthened by an Almighty and Immortal God. I heard a story a long time ago, that God is very holy and no one can withstand His presence much more look at Him if we have the slightest trace of sin in ourselves after we die. We all hope to stand face to face with God someday that is why we are praying for God's grace and power to overcome the snares of the devil and be able to stand firm on that day. Amen. Hallelujah!

Psalm 80:2ac, 3b, 15-16
R: Let us see your face, Lord, and we shall be saved.
2 O shepherd of Israel, hearken. From your throne upon the cherubim, shine forth. 3 Rouse your power…look down from heaven, and see; take care of this vine, and protect what your right hand has planted, the son of man whom you yourself made strong.

Today's gospel is another persistent message to all of us to answer the call of Jesus to spread the Good News of salvation. We are all qualified for this job no matter what our situation and present status in life is. We are good as is where is. The only thing God requires of us is our genuine and sincere desire to do everything for God's glory and take away whatever selfish or ulterior motives for personal gain. For if we completely trust God then there is no need for us to be anxious about the matters of this world. For as long as we know that we are minding God's business then everything will be added unto us and He is able to provide for all our needs. We should make a habit of aligning all our personal and temporal matters in accordance to what is most pleasing before God for He can ultimately make all things beautiful in His most perfect time.  God is also telling us to do what we have to do and be the best we can be in whatever place or situation we are in. Let us not give up that easily when we are confronted with some disheartening events that come our way. If we are truly sincere, honest and with all our best intentions in striving to do what we ought and needed to do in the light of God’ s love then His goodness, mercy and love will always see us through anything. At the end of the day when we examine ourselves we can just gather all the good fruits of our labor and just shake off whatever it is that clings to us that is not of the Lord’s. Amen. Hallelujah!

Matthew 10:7-15

7 Jesus said to his Apostles: “As you go, make this proclamation: ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ 8 Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, drive out demons. Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give. 9 Do not take gold or silver or copper for your belts; 10 no sack for the journey, or a second tunic, or sandals, or walking stick. The laborer deserves his keep. Whatever town or village you enter, look for a worthy person in it, and stay there until you leave. As you enter a house wish it peace. If the house is worthy, let your peace come upon it; if not, let your peace return to you...go outside that house or town and shake the dust from your feet... 

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