Thursday, June 21, 2012


Today's 1st reading is a sequel of the unending and continuous awesome display of God's power and might from yesterday's 1st reading. These personalities in the Old Testament are indeed great models for us to follow. Elijah who was taken up to heaven body and soul and Elisha who was anointed with a double portion of his spirit are only a few of the many admirable figures that we can learn a lot from to grow in our faith. There are also the life of the saints of our present time. We are all called to holiness to become residents of God's eternal kingdom in heaven. If not, then where are we headed? This world that we are presently in right now will only be home for us for just a period of time for as long as we are still alive. Our physical bodies when we die will turn to dust but our souls live on. If we are wise and knowledgeable of things that really matter most then it is about time that we learn of things that will bring us to that eternal place of bliss and happiness rather than end up in a place of torment for eternity. Mother Angelica said on EWTN that we should read and know more about the life of the saints and holy people who were able to make it to heaven. She is right when she said that if we intend to reside in heaven then we better start knowing more about the residents there. She asked us to imagine ourselves living in a place foreign to us where we do not know anyone at all. That's very sad, so it would definitely not hurt us to unravel the wonders and surprises that are enveloped in the lives of these holy people to educate us in a very profitable way that is beyond our imagination. Amen. Hallelujah!

Sirach 48:1-14
Like a fire there appeared the prophet Elijah whose words were as a flaming furnace. 2 Their staff of bread he shattered, in his zeal he reduced them to straits; 3 by Lord’s word he shut up the heavens and three times brought down fire. 4 How awesome are you, Elijah, in your wondrous deeds! Whose glory is equal to yours? 5 You brought a dead man back to life from the nether world, by the will of the LORD. 6 You sent kings down to destruction, and nobles, from their beds of sickness. 7 You heard threats at Sinai, at Horeb avenging judgments. 8 You anointed kings who should inflict vengeance, and a prophet as your successor. 9 You were taken aloft in a whirlwind, in a chariot with fiery horses. 10 You are destined, it is written, in time to come to put an end to wrath before the day of the LORD, to turn back the hearts of fathers toward their sons, and to reestablish the tribes of Jacob. 11 Blessed is he who shall have seen you before he dies, 12 O Elijah, enveloped in the whirlwind! Then Elisha, filled with a twofold portion of his spirit, wrought many marvels by his mere word. During his lifetime he feared no one, nor was any man able to intimidate his will. 13 Nothing was beyond his power; beneath him flesh was brought back into life. 14 In life he performed wonders, and after death, marvelous deeds.

We don't want to be losers here in this life, don't we? All the more should we not want to be losers in the next life for eternity. We have a God who fights our battles and we are assured of His victory already. It is just a matter of persevering and committing to the task that we are all called to fulfill. To live a life of faith in words, thoughts and deeds in our Lord Jesus Christ who lived, died and resurrected all for our sake. Amen. Hallelujah!

Psalm 97:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7
R: Rejoice in the Lord, you just.
1 The LORD is king; let the earth rejoice; let the many isles be glad. 2 Clouds and darkness are round about him, justice and judgment are the foundation of his throne. (R) 3 Fire goes before him and consumes his foes round about. 4 His lightnings illumine the world; the earth sees and trembles. (R) 5 The mountains melt like wax before the LORD, before the Lord of all the earth. 6 The heavens proclaim his justice, and all peoples see his glory.

We should pray the "Our Father" and look at it in so many different aspects. We have prayed it so often that it's very easy for us to forget the power of this prayer and what they mean. We should pray it like we have never prayed it before and take time to really think about what the words mean. What a wonderful thing it is that Jesus, Himself taught us how to pray. He told and allowed us to call His Father, our Father. Who does that make us? What a great privilege and honor to become children of God and call Him Father. It is so important that we take the time to think about this prayer and let the words that we say all the time come alive in all different aspects. He said when we pray say, "your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven" If only we will do the will of God instead of our own twisted wills then even if we are not yet in paradise it will become very much like heaven. Again he said, "Give us today our daily bread;" Whenever we say this we tend to think only of the material needs but St. Thomas Aquinas said that the spiritual should have a predominance over the material. We've got to have a love for the spiritual things more than the material things. God wants us to ask for the material things but He wants us even more to ask for spiritual things. A temporal thing could have something to do with a job, food, fulfillment of our ambitions and all sorts of things along with many others. Spiritual blessings would be the grace of true, deep, loving and humble acts like faithfulness in marriage and to rear the children. When Jesus said whatever you ask in my name, God the Father would grant it, He didn't mean for us to ask something out of vain glory.  To ask in His name means that it has something to do with His purpose of coming here on earth. It has something to do with eternal salvation and to grow in His grace. Whenever we ask for something material we should add in our prayer that it would be God's will but when we ask for something spiritual then we already know that it is God's will.  Today's gospel and all the readings are telling us that God’s word will always achieve its end.  Pope Benedict XVI said that Jesus is the definitive and perfect Word made flesh who dwelt among us. The Word exists before creation, the 2nd person of the Trinity and everything that exists is willed by God. The very basis of reality is pulled together because of Him. If we build our lives on this Word we build our lives on rock. We’re made through and in Him. The fulfillment of creation and this fullness we are to have finds its true meaning in Him since we come from God. Verbum Domini, the Word of God precedes and exceeds sacred scriptures. We find that necessary truth in the sacred scriptures. It renews the Church and gives life. The Word is the constant source of renewal. When we encounter Jesus Christ we are renewed. We become His disciples and He gives us His teachings. He speaks to us and gives us eternal life. In the gospel we read that the disciples approached Jesus and asked how to pray. Catholics are often accused of babbling on like the pagans because of memorized prayers. We see that today Jesus teaches us the Our Father prayer. The misunderstanding with memorized prayers came from the practices of pagans at the time of Jesus who babble on while thinking that they can manipulate their gods if they do such a thing. Our Catholic prayers are not a form of manipulation. When we pray we also seek to listen and we don’t try to control God in some way. A good suggestion of the Holy Father is the prayerful reading of the scriptures. We have to spend time in the scriptures and prayerfully read. It is good to study but we must not neglect to go to the scriptures in prayers. This is fundamental in spiritual life. The Word of God is at the basis of all spirituality of a Christian life. We need to pray and meditate on the scriptures. Apply the scriptures in our life with perseverance and doing it while believing in and pleasing God. We ask God in prayer what it means and listen to God. As in Matthew 7, Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find and knock it will open unto you. We need to ask from God for the meaning of the scriptures through the Holy Spirit. Pope Benedict XVI gives a method for prayerful reading in the following. 1. Reading of the text and find what’s the literal meaning which leads to a desire to its content, 2. Meditation, know what the biblical text says to us and must ask ourselves and know what it says to us. 3. What do we say to God? Offer Him prayers, adoration and speak to Him. 4. Contemplation, is a gift of God. It is His own way of seeing things which leads us to conversion. We need to know where we need to change. This is the concrete reality of our life, to conform our lives to the word of God. Sometimes we are more infected by the worldliness than we are by the Word of God. God gives in His Word the gift of renewal that creates within us a truly wise and discerning reality which leads to forming the mind of Christ that brings about a conversion. God wants to join us in this journey of conversion and penance. When we take the scriptures in faith it's like we walk once more with God in the Garden of Eden like in Genesis when Adam & Eve walked with God in the garden and received the fullness of life. This is what He wants to give us now that Jesus Himself obtained for us. I love this quotation that I got from an email, "When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better." We should always have the confidence of what today's gospel is telling us and have no more reasons to doubt. There is an unexplainable joy in knowing that Almighty God is not unreachable for He is always with us. All we have to do is just pray wisely. Amen. Hallelujah!

Matthew 6:7-15
7 Jesus said to his disciples: “In praying, do not babble like the pagans, who think that they will be heard because of their many words. 8 Do not be like them. Your Father knows what youneed before you ask him. 9 “This is how you are to pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, 10 your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. 11 Give us today our daily bread; 12 and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; 13 and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil.’ 14 “If you forgive others their transgressions, your heavenly Father will forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive your transgressions.”

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