Saturday, February 23, 2019


We can never fathom the wisdom of God but we can always remain confident in the truth that His kindness is perfect and everlasting. He makes all things work for good. When we feel so helpless, miserable and alone, never ever doubt that He can't help but be the loving God that He is. God loves us so much that he will adjust to our needs and make things work for good. There is no reason for us to even doubt and hold back anything from the Lord for nothing is too difficult for Him. 

1 Samuel 26: 2,7-9,12-13,22-23

If we are confident of God's Providence in our lives then nothing should even make us doubt that God is able to redeem us and take us out of misery. God has made known His kindness, mercy and secures justice for all. He knows exactly what we need at the precise moment and brings forth everything in its appointed time. Furthermore, God wanted to take our transgressions as far as the east is from the west. How far is the east from the west? Only God knows. We know that the distance is unfathomable, that’s what the Lord does with our sins. How much does He loves us? We know that His love and mercy is immeasurable. There is really none like our God. And reading part of the psalm reading made me remember the song "Loving and Forgiving". He is our best bet for always and there is no one or nothing else that could or should take first place in our lives more than the Lord. Whenever we receive goodness and kindness from people we meet we are very much delighted and pleased with it. How much more would we feel if we have God's favor resting upon us. There is nothing else better compared to this. We may search long and hard but we can never really find true satisfaction and remain restless unless we have God in our life. We only have to believe in God's kindness and mercy and we will surely see it happen in our life before our very eyes. He is our refuge and strength. To whom can we go but to God alone. The world’s point of view is very contradictory to the message that God wanted us to live by.  We need to pray hard for the desire to always follow what is pleasing before the Lord and not forget that it is what really matters first and foremost. We are so blessed that we did not live during the time when Christians were being persecuted and martyred and what we are enjoying right now are already the benefits of God's marvelous work wrought by His mighty hand. This is why we should stop complaining and just keep our hope if we truly believe that we have a God and Father who is full of kindness and goodness. This reminds me of the prophet Amos. He is a prosperous herdsman/farmer, well educated and traveled. His time (746-786) was an age of prosperity but severely marked with moral decay and spiritual bankruptcy. He experienced a luxurious life, lived in the garrison city a place dominated by people of power and had all the time to study the scriptures. He lived in affluence, belonged and embraced the "clan system/wisdom" which is a guild or crusade to maintain the purity of the tradition of the temple of Jerusalem which houses the "Ark of the Covenant". He saw the evil of excess in Tekoa, he witnessed the "left" (poverty) and the "right" (wealth and affluence) side. Being himself a dresser of the sycamore tree who worked with his people, he also saw the plight and injustice that is existent during that time. His prophetic mission emerged as an offshoot of his kingly and priestly status and was able to go through all these stages making him a good "nabi" hebrew word for prophet. We, too as followers of Jesus should also go through certain stages and fulfill our call or mission to be king, priest and prophet in our own personal lives. What I learned in the bible study about the very relevant and essential Hebrew word "pescher" which means repetitious study, reading and pronunciation of the word of God is a tool to achieve this goal and always be reminded about the goodness and benefits of being a genuine, equipped and well fulfilled follower of Jesus. The God of yesterday, today and forevermore. Amen. Hallelujah!

P S A L M 
Psalm 103:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8, 11 (8a)
R: The Lord is kind and merciful.

...He has made known his ways to Moses, and his deeds to the children of Israel. (R) 8 Merciful and gracious is the LORD, slow to anger and abounding in kindness. 11 For as the heavens are high above the earth, so surpassing is his kindness toward those who fear him.

These past few days we've been getting very valuable information from Paul in his letter to the Corinthians. What he said in today's 2nd reading makes a lot of sense and we should give credit and spend some time thinking about seriously. We are all aware of our natural body and could easily comprehend its presence through the 5 senses we got. It is our spiritual body that we have a hard time being aware of. We simply tend to neglect, overlook or worse ignore its existence. We've got to be aware of the fact that our spirit has power over our physical bodies more than we ever know. As the song goes, "a joyful heart is good medicine but a broken spirit dries up the bones". As years pass by, we come to realize that we are not getting any younger and what we used to do before is no longer applicable to us now. We may have started drinking vitamins already but we still encounter some imbalances in us that we need decided to pay attention to and give remedy. There are some things we have to modify as we go on with our lives if we want to maintain a healthy body and avoid sicknesses. It is perfectly alright to be health conscious and do everything to maintain a good body but it is of prime importance that we attend to our spiritual needs. Our physical bodies will eventually rot away when we die. Our body grows old, weak and dies but the spirit lives on. The same is true with our spiritual life. We just can't go on doing the same thing over and over again. We need to improve and become better each day if we want to maintain a healthy spirit. Amen. Hallelujah!

1 Corinthians 15:35-37, 42-49

...If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual one...Just as we have borne the image of the earthly one, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly one...

Today's gospel inspired me to share about my mother. I could never forget this passage because it is one of her favorites since I grew up always hearing her quote this. (Give and gifts will be given to you; a good measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing…) My mother was widowed at a very young age of 32 and left with our care when we were still very young, aged 4, 3 and 1. She never remarried and just devoted her life to us. She was not just our mother but stood as our father at the same time. She worked hard in order to provide for all our needs. As far as I can remember, we were never in want at any single time. My mother would always attribute this to God our Provider. She often said that widows and orphans are very special to the Lord. I had an experience before when I was just new in the Charismatic Renewal and still in the honeymoon stage with the Lord. I was boldly declaring about my new found relationship with God and Mama Mary and somebody who happened to be a "born again" Christian kept on contradicting me. I should have been irritated and annoyed with her because I wasn't doing anything wrong with my outward display of feelings but I decided to keep up a nice face, still be gracious to her and just kept silent. I could have answered back and defended myself but I felt in my heart that it won't do any good to both of us. Although it should not always be the case we should fervently pray that we will always strive to be good and trust God. He knows perfectly well what's in our minds and hearts and what matters most is that we think, speak and act exactly the way Jesus would. We sometimes have to go through such unpleasant experiences but just like what today’s 1st reading tells us about getting a hold of ourselves we need to master the act of self restraint in order to promote harmony in our relationship with others. Whenever we feel that someone doesn't like us we should still treat that person with the same kindness we treat a person who likes us. We must not have special preferences in people and try to treat them equally as best as we can. It is very difficult but if we continue to pray to God for grace then we can carry on with it and do exactly what the gospel says. Amen. Hallelujah!

Luke 6:27-38

... For if you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do the same...Give and gifts will be given to you; a good measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing, will be poured into your lap. For the measure with which you measure will in return be measured out to you.”

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