Sunday, February 10, 2019


We have always heard people say that we are just human and somehow made to believe and accept that we are unworthy and could not stand before a Holy God. But we can't go on with this mindset forever. We've got to change this and start to shift our belief in a God who became man in order to save us. The blood of Jesus has already cleansed and purged us clean. We should always be reminded of this above all others. If there's something we should always be focused on and work for really hard in maintaining, then that is the reality that the Lamb of God has taken away all our sins. Heaven is our true citizenship where countless angels are in festal gathering. They are in a kind of celebratory gathering, cooking with great joy in the presence of angels also celebrating with great joy. The ecclesia of the 1st born enrolled in heaven applies to all of us. The Catholic Church has 3 cycles for each Liturgical Year, which is A,B and C. It is presently using the daily bible readings for 2019 based on the Liturgical Year C. After this year it will cycle back again to Year A. This is of significance to me after realizing that I have started committing to reading the scriptures daily and writing down reflections in Oct 7, 2007 (Year C) after receiving the word from Habakkuk 2:2-3 which is: Then the LORD answered me and said: Write down the vision clearly upon the tablets, so that one can read it readily. For the vision still has its time, presses on to fulfillment, and will not disappoint; If it delays, wait for it, it will surely come, it will not be late.
This brings back and calls my attention again to what I mentioned in my reflection several years ago entitled: HANDLE WITH CARE. “In our bible study in San Lorenzo we discussed in part or on the side about "kairos" (the appointed time in the purpose of God). It is also called God's time, fullness of time, unity in time and oneness in time. In order to further explain the fullness of time, an example was given to us in the form of a cycle or 360 degrees wherein there is a beginning and end. In this case we have the privilege of coming into the full understanding of this "kairos" which eventually leads to attaining our peace which is a oneness in the state of being. We are His creation and God is in creation. It is due to this that we have this incessant desire to know God. We have the scriptures to guide us but it is also in all other aspects especially the actual images of this life that we live that we can come to a deeper understanding of these things..." -END-
The significance of this teaching should impact our lives in various ways especially with what we are going through. Speaking of "kairos" or fullness of time which in part was defined for better understanding as completing a cycle and 360 degrees, though it may not completely define it but in part has stressed the importance of looking at things in full circle and not jump into conclusions. Everything is within the time frame and will of God. Amen. Hallelujah!
Book of Isaiah 6:1-2.3-8.
..."Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts!" they cried one to the other. "All the earth is filled with his glory!" ... ...“Woe is me, I am doomed! For I am a man of unclean lips, living among a people of unclean lips; yet my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts!” 6 Then one of the seraphim flew to me, holding an ember which he had taken with tongs from the altar. 7 He touched my mouth with it. “See,” he said, “now that this has touched your lips, your wickedness is removed, your sin purged.”

I could never forget the experience when we were in that very hazardous place in Crestline without any idea where we were going. We have been completely caught off guard by the sudden change of the weather plus the fact that the place could have been destroyed by fire and the streets and landmarks might have been erased or changed and the information in the map quest had not been revised. If there’s one thing I learned from it is that God allows things to happen for a reason, which is far greater and divine than our own intended purpose. All we have to do is completely trust Him that in His goodness and mercy will show us His saving power and grace. If there's one thing for sure, that is the truth that God knows everything we are going through and He will not withhold the help that we need from Him in His most appropriate and best time, place and situation. All we need to do is just give our trust completely to Him who will complete what he has done for us and would not forsake the work of His hands. Just constantly pray and sing out our praises to God to unleash the power within us. We can always count on God at all times in all circumstances. Let us not stall any longer and finally respond to His call without any reservation. We should entrust all our cares and concerns to the Lord and be assured that He is true to His promise and will fulfill it. Our God is faithful and He who began a good work will be faithful to complete it in all of us. God never fails in sending us people, circumstances and situations that always build up strength in us. I have always believed in angels even before I got the miracle petal with a cherubim’s image. I can still remember and will never forget how my mother used to narrate to us how I was miraculously saved by my angel several times. First was when I was still less than 2 months old and fell from a height of 2-3 ft countertop when the nanny after giving me a bath left me for only a second to get something and upon returning found me already unconscious and lying on the hard, ceramic tiled floor. I was rushed to the doctor but he told them that if I fail to regain consciousness within an hour then he said I could die. To everybody's surprise I started to cry even before the time is up. Another one was when I was barely 2 yrs old when I almost got hit by a speeding jeepney. My parent's house is right beside my grandparent's house which is right in front of the school where my mother used to teach. She said she was standing in the center of the stage of the school that was why she had a good view of the things around her even the terrace of my grandparent's house so she got the shock of her life when she saw me there alone running very fast heading toward the open gate while a speeding jeepney was coming and looked as if I would really get hit and it would be too late even if somebody was there to stop me. She was already screaming from afar together with the other teachers who saw it and was trying to call the attention of the driver but to no avail for he didn't even slow down because their screams were of no match to the loud engine of the jeep.  It was just a miracle that the moment I stepped on the side of the road she said that I suddenly stopped and stood very still as if someone was holding me back. She said it was my guardian angel that held me and prevented me from getting hit by the jeep.  I don't remember personally any of those experiences it was only through my mother's stories that I came to know about them. But when I was older like in 4th grade I could already remember how I was spared again from being hurt seriously when the fluorescent lamp right on top of my head fell on my desk a split second after I stood up and left my chair.  My classmates were really shocked and were hovering around me and told me that it was really close. There is no doubt, angels are obviously at work. Today God assures us that we can always stand secure for as long as we remain united to Him through the aid of His Holy angels and saints. There is no doubt that we should sing the praises of the Lord in the sight of the angels. Amen. Hallelujah!

Ps 138:1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 7-8
R: In the sight of the angels I will sing your praises, Lord.
1 I will give thanks to you, O LORD, with all my heart, for you have heard the words of my mouth; in the presence of the angels I will sing your praise; 2 I will worship at your holy temple and give thanks to your name. (R) Because of your kindness and your truth; for you have made great above all things your name and your promise. 3 When I called, you answered me; you built up strength within me. (R) 4 All the kings of the earth shall give thanks to you, O LORD, when they hear the words of your mouth; 5 and they shall sing of the ways of the LORD: “Great is the glory of the LORD.”

All the readings for today point to an overwhelming truth that no matter how sinful and broken we are, God is able to do wonders for us. In today’s 2nd reading Paul said that he is the least of the Apostles or not even fit to be called an apostle and yet he became what he is, all because of the tremendous grace of God. We should focus on the greatness of God’s power and never underestimate or overlook what He is able to do for us. To all of us who are fellow believers in Jesus Christ, it feels good to read and be reminded of something that we should always hold on to more than our own precious lives, that is the Word of God. We should always have this attitude of always consulting and presenting to God all our plans in prayer for guidance and direction, especially at times when we are confronted with difficult life decisions. If we do this God will surely not refrain from helping us. Everything that we needed to work on would be one by one complied with and fulfilled despite our doubts and inadequacies. The Catholic Church guides the faithful to make decisions that are in line with her teachings. In this time when we are assailed by various anti life choices obviously influenced by the culture of death we need to listen and know well what kind of activities we engage in and be an active advocate of life. NaProTECHNOLOGY (Natural Procreative Technology) is a breakthrough in science that the Catholic Church approves and recommends over artificial contraception and conception.  It utilizes the wonders of the human body and assists it in the natural way.  It is a major breakthrough in monitoring and maintaining a woman's reproductive and gynecological health and a new women's health science that monitors and maintains a woman's reproductive and gynecological health. It provides medical and surgical treatments that cooperate completely with the reproductive system. Thirty years of scientific research in the study of the normal and abnormal states of the menstrual and fertility cycles have unraveled their mysteries. Unlike common suppressive or destructive approaches, it works cooperatively with the procreative and gynecologic systems. When these systems function abnormally, it identifies the problems and cooperates with the menstrual and fertility cycles that correct the condition, maintain the human ecology, and sustain the procreative potential. Women now have an opportunity to know and understand the causes of the symptoms from which they suffer. This is effective and based in science. It does not in any way disrupt the normal and natural functions of the wonderful human body that God has given us. It promotes the profound dignity of a person while being provided with authentic health care.  This is a project of the Pope Paul VI Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction and the National Center for Women's Health in OmahaNebraska. For more information on the research and services of Pope Paul VI Institute,  please visit the Pope Paul VI website. When we do not do the divine will a catastrophe happens. We know that somehow we have failed to follow the belief, intention and vocation of God's will. We have to be aware of the fact that we have a responsibility to fulfill in our hands. Amen. Hallelujah!
First Letter to the Corinthians 15:1-11.
Now I am reminding you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you indeed received and in which you also stand. Through it you are also being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you, unless you believed in vain...For I am the least of the Apostles, not fit to be called an Apostle, because I persecuted the Church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me has not been ineffective. Indeed, I have toiled harder than all of them; not I, however, but the grace of God that is with me.

We are all called by the Lord for a mission and we ought to follow no matter how daunting the task may seem to be. We must not be dissuaded, discouraged or deluded by our situation. If things do not look very encouraging and convincing just like the way it was when Jesus summoned Simon Peter to "put out into deep water" then all the more should we "press on". We are not to rely on outward appearances and other factors. The circumstances surrounding Peter at that time in today's gospel point to a logical response which is not to follow. He and his companions were expert fishermen and according to him had been working hard all night and caught nothing. This passage is not only a matter of logic and reasoning but a case of who commanded it. God gave us the 10 commandments and there are instances when we come up with various excuses and justifications just to get away with what we've done. If we are truly aware of who Jesus really is then we've got to have the conviction in ourselves that what the Lord commands is the most logical thing to do. Like Peter we have to invite Jesus into our boats and fix our eyes on Him. When we invite Him into our lives, fruitfulness, abundance in grace and wisdom from on high will abound. We have to always reflect on the wisdom and strength of Jesus. We hope and pray that we will reach new heights and depths in our personal relationship with God. As God has spoken and promised in the scriptures, so will it be fulfilled.  We have a God who designs everything in our life with such perfection, all we have to do is completely trust His judgment in every single step of the way which has been laid and set out for us. Things may not be looking up and promising as they should be but we must remain confident that our God who put us through this will also see us through. We should not be afraid. He who began this good work in us would be faithful to complete it and would not allow it to end in vain. Amen. Hallelujah!

Luke 5:1-11
...“Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.” Simon said in reply, “Master, we have worked hard all night and have caught nothing, but at your command I will lower the nets.” When they had done this, they caught a great number of fish and their nets were tearing.

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