Friday, January 18, 2019


Jesus understands. He knows exactly what we have been through and are going through right now even much more than we can imagine. Let us trust that He knows better than we all do and be confident of God who created us all. It should also give us a better perspective, the best motivation and inspiration to always offer everything that we do to God whether it be a simple or great task that is in our hands knowing that Jesus His Son has already perfected it for us. If we sometimes come to a point where we feel so lost and unsure if what we are going through and doing is still worth it, let us always keep in mind that for as long we do it to honor and glorify God then it should make us think very hard and not just twice before we ever give up.  Let us not miss out on the ultimate blessing and the inheritance won for us by our unbeatable and undefeated Savior. All things happen for a reason and a purpose within the appointed time. God gives us valuable instructions for life that will make it pleasing and acceptable before Him. We should be mindful of the word of God being given to us in the scriptures and in our daily circumstances. The bible has been described as something like a manual that teaches us, Christians to go about with our lives. Just like any new equipment that comes with a manual in order to operate it properly so are God's words to us. We have to discover the joy of always consulting the word of God through the daily readings. In doing so we may even come to a point of making a commitment to write down reflections and share it to family and friends. It is in documenting and organizing our thoughts or journaling that we can access, read it readily and be reminded constantly. When God created us He intended for us to be guided and directed in accordance to His will and that's what the word of God does for us. For nothing else matters more than what matters to God. Jesus is 100% divine and human except for sin. This is a Church teaching that was emphasized during our bible study. The arch of Mark's gospel which illustrates 2 opposite parts represented by Jesus as Son of God and Son of Man is highlighted by the center of the arch where Jesus' divinity meets His humanity in the cross as the perfect victim (sacrificial lamb/scapegoat) of man's salvation. When things get out of hand we have no one to blame but ourselves for Jesus the perfect sacrifice is surely not lacking in everything that He has given us for our own welfare. Amen. Hallelujah! 

Hebrews 4:12-16
The word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating even between soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart. No creature is concealed from him, but everything is naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must render an account.

It always pays to be watchful and alert at all times. Although we sometimes fail to measure up due to our own shortcomings or could be the doing of another, God assures us in today's psalm that if we fall into the trap of the enemy we can always repent with a deep remorse for our sins and resolve to make the precepts of the Lord the joy of our hearts. In doing so, we find ourselves naturally restrained from sin and maintain our innocence. It is so hard to live a life that is pleasing to the Lord if we do not know exactly how to go about with it. It's just like when we have to comply to certain requirements in school and follow the standard set by it. We need to have a pattern or outline from which we can base our work. Just as it is so in other things, the more we are all in need of God's precepts. The absolute bedrock of spiritual life is to follow the 10 commandments. We are sometimes misled into thinking that when we have a type of prayer then we think that we already have a spiritual life. We’ve got to have the humility to admit that God is smarter than we are and we need to follow and obey what we are told in the 10 commandments. We should be totally and absolutely convinced that He knows best. Satan uses half truths and half lies in his devilish tricks. Satan’s claims seem to come true in one level. Take the example of our 1st parents after eating of the forbidden fruit their eyes were opened and did become in one sense like God. The fallen angels made their free choice by radically and irrevocably rejecting God so in turn they seduce and mislead Adam & Eve. It was through sin that humanity was afflicted by death. Because of one man’s disobedience many were made sinners. When tempted in the Garden, Adam failed to remain faithful to God and His commands. Jesus, the New Adam, is God’s servant totally obedient to the Divine will. Jesus is the devil’s conqueror and takes back the plunder. What the devil has stolen from us, Jesus has recovered for us. Pope Benedict XVI commented about what the Lord experienced in the desert and said that at the heart of all temptations is the act of pushing God aside because we conceive Him as secondary. It is an act of constructing our world with our own lights and building our own foundation and setting God aside as an allusion. Temptations come in many varied forms but one thing is sure, it does not invite us to directly do evil because it is too blatant and would outright turn us off. It is very subtle and yet an act of pushing God’s commands aside and placing the devil’s temptation as primary. If we want to remain victorious throughout life, we have to keep Him in the center of our life and hold on to His words which are Spirit and life. God’s ever present help can be found in the scriptures. It's just like a soldier going to battle wearing the armor of God. It never fails and always there to defend and protect from the snares of the evil one. So always take up our sword which is the word of God. God's perfect word can refresh the soul. Have you ever wondered really how it feels to be refreshed? Whenever we take a shower or a warm bath and put on clothes that are well fitted and comfortable it refreshes our body. It could also be whenever we go to a place where we can unwind, relax, be away from the tensions, stresses, noise and turmoil of the fast paced lives that we lead and just appreciate the beauty of nature that surrounds us and the peace and quiet it offers to our tired bodies in order to be more in touch with God's voice in us. It is so refreshing it gives our minds and hearts a better view and perspective of how to live our lives. The same thing with our souls, we should always keep it clean, healthy and clothed with maximum security, protection but comfortable enough we don't even know it's there. Like it has become fused in us, there's nothing more right than following and obeying the law of God. Today's psalm reading guides us on how we should go about with our lives by always keeping in mind God's laws. None of us is perfect but through our imperfections we can always run to God for help and guidance. He will never refuse nor forsake us for He can only love and care for us. There are people who have alienated themselves from God and we can’t just force them to go back. God does not do that, it’s not how the Lord works, instead we pray and pray for them. If we wait long enough and adhere to God’s precepts then we will finally obtain joy in our hearts. As water prevails over the rock throughout the course of time so does the Holy Spirit that is continuously flooding or washing over the man’s heart.  The Holy Spirit moves in and continues to work upon us and tenderizes us. The song entitled, "Your Words Are Spirit and Life" by Bernadette Farrell was impressed to me. It is a beautiful song that I have always loved to sing and I just realized that the words of this song are taken from this psalm which made me start singing it. Well, we just have to fully discover what the words of God can make us do. When things get out of hand we have no one to blame but ourselves for God is surely not lacking in everything that He has given us for our own welfare. We've got everything we need because there's nothing more that God could and should do for us that He has not done. All we have to do is completely trust and obey the judgments of the Lord. GOD'S LAW MAKES US LIVE A VIRTUOUS LIFE (CCC 1803 "Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.") May we truly recognize the genuine and precious treasures that we should all strive to achieve and work for which is none other than these things spoken of in today's psalm. Amen. Hallelujah!  

Psalm 19:8, 9, 10, 15
R: Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life.
7 [8] The law of the LORD is perfect, refreshing the soul; the decree of the LORD is trustworthy, giving wisdom to the simple. (R) 8 [9] The precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; the command of the LORD is clear, enlightening the eye. (R) 9 [10] The fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever; the ordinances of the LORD are true, all of them just. (R) 10 [11] They are more precious than gold, than a heap of purest gold; sweeter also than syrup or honey from the comb.

We don't really know anything at all. Judging from today's gospel we also fall into the same trap as the Scribes and Pharisees. This is what happens when we fail to see how the mind of God works. Whenever things do not go the way we wanted it then it would be best to always trust the mind of God that works for the ultimate good. Speaking of battles makes us think of wounds and injuries that can lead to sicknesses and there is really nothing to fear for in every fight we take we are assured of a Divine Healer that can make us whole. We should always follow what God wants us to do no matter how difficult it is at the present moment. There should be no doubt that He will carry us through. Today's gospel assures us that God is willing and able to cure all our ills and sicknesses. The problem lies not in God's ability to heal us but in our acceptance of the fact that we are sick and need healing. It may be easier for a severely ill person to recognize one's sickness because it is very obvious and undeniable than for someone whose illness and symptoms are just mild and unnoticeable. It is more dangerous in a way because the illness just creeps up very slowly and discreetly. It’s completely widespread and terminal just like some cancers even before we know it. We need to be aware of how we are doing ourselves. This does not apply to just our physical state but most importantly our spiritual. Let us not neglect nor overlook this seemingly fine condition we thought we are in and be caught unaware when everything becomes too late. Fr. Joel Jason wrote this paragraph below in his article in Sabbath.

Psychology journals now even speak of a so-called “mild addiction.” I have a friend with a drinking problem who calls it his “daily fix.” Included in this mild addictions are gluttony, chain smoking and heavy drinking. But whether it is light or heavy, it is still an addiction. It’s a form of sickness. Treating them lightly only gives a false sense that we are doing OK when in fact we’re getting sicker by the day.
Today in the Gospel, Jesus reminds us, “People who are healthy do not need a doctor; sick people do.” It was a subtle but stinging remark directed to those religious leaders of His time who choose to be blind to their own moral sickness. Today we have the same problem. We don’t even know that we are sick because we invent names like “mild addiction” or “daily fix” to avoid calling ourselves to task. Companies who make contraceptives even market a pill with anti-pimple ingredient, taking advantage of the insecurities of the youth. What’s next? A pill fortified with beta-carotene? We are becoming sick and we do not even know it. Jesus, remind my heart.Fr. Joel O. Jason

Reflection Question:
When you see grossly overweight children, do you find it cute? Do you justify your disordered desires by calling them “mild addictions”?

Lord Jesus, more than the physical, I need spiritual healing in my heart, in my desires, in my will. O Hesus, hilumin mo, aking sugatang puso. Amen.

We need to receive the medicine of the Divine Physician to be healed and saved. Just like Levi in today’s gospel or more popularly known as Matthew we have to be a true disciple of Christ. Live the gospel, become living witnesses and role models. The disciples leave many things behind. Despite of who Matthew is God loves him. He was greedy and a corrupt man. When he got up and followed Jesus he left his office. We have to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal things to us. We have to throw away all our garbage in our character and relationship like vices, lust, pride, anger, materialism, being stingy in giving treasures to the Lord. We still have a lot of things to be transformed in our lives. As in John 10:10, A thief comes only to steal and slaughter and destroy; I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly. We need to remove the fear of surrendering to the Lord. The disciples of Jesus love to be in the company of the Master. They talked, walked, ate and spent time with Jesus to learn. They were with Jesus 24 hours a day and so must we to be His disciple. Here are some recommendations from a retreat to be a disciple. First, we have to greet and thank God before we get out of bed and wake up. Say our prayers and read the bible. When we worship God we close our eyes. Make a habit of praying before starting and after work. Pray before meals even in public places. Pray for safety when we travel and pray before we go to bed. A disciples transforms his/her past for God’s purposes. God uses all our past experiences for us to attain the kingdom of GodJeremiah 17:10, I, the LORD, explore the mind and test the heart, Giving to all according to their ways, according to the fruit of their deeds. We should obey God and be willing to live in the edge and take risks. Amen. Hallelujah!

Mark 2:13-17
…As he passed by, he saw Levi, son of Alphaeus, sitting at the customs post. Jesus said to him, “Follow me.” And he got up and followed Jesus. While he was at table in his house, many tax collectors and sinners sat with Jesus and his disciples; for there were many who followed him. Some scribes who were Pharisees saw that he was eating with sinners and tax collectors and said to his disciples, “Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?” Jesus heard this and said to them, “Those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do. I did not come to call the righteous but sinners.”

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