Saturday, January 19, 2019


The outline of the salvation history or covenant history goes back to the time of Adam & Eve and Noah and dates way back to 1800 BC during the time of Abraham, Moses (1200), David (means the favored one,1000), Exodus (600) to the birth of our Lord Jesus. From this time line significant events happened from the time of Creation when God created man who fell into sin and became unfaithful. God continuously call us back to Him by showing us who He really is throughout the length of time. In the period 721 BC prophets like Hosea started to prophesy for God and ministered. Dramatic events like the entrance of the Israelites to the promised land and the pockets of rebellion as they conquered the 12 tribes took place. The sequence of events that followed was from the time they settled into a life of monarchy (kings) from their 1st king (Saul) to King David and King Solomon. The time of David is described as the greatest time of the people of God when the kingdom grew bigger while the time of Solomon as the time when the temple is at its best owing to the "wisdom of Solomon which was manifested in the 3000 proverbs and 1005 songs he wrote. But it was also marked by an event when the kingdom was divided due to Solomon's involvement to 1005 wives. It was a very difficult time marked by political upheaval, assassinations and adultery in the manner of the people's worship to Yahweh mixed with the pagan god, Baal. This was also the time when Hosea came into view. During that time of existing oppressive situation, Hosea married Gomer a prostitute whom he loves but was unfaithful and deserted him. His painful relationship with his wife symbolizes the covenant relationship of God's love and relationship to man. Hosea can be described as a book of relationship and fidelity. God's faithfulness despite our unfaithfulness. Chapters 1-3 is about the life of Hosea focusing on his failed and broken marriage, chapters 4-13 about his preaching, oracles against infidelity and adultery in relation to worship to "Baal", chapter 14 is about the return to hope after judgment. God's fidelity to his people is described in terms of marriage, a divine love, fiery and affectionate for Israel as the "bride of God." Fr. Tony our bible study teacher at that time compared God's demonstration of His love to a strip teaser who one by one strips herself of clothing before she comes out totally naked. He said that God throughout time has sent emissaries, patriarchs, prophets and kings to declare His great love for us and in the fullness of time has ultimately revealed His naked love in its entirety by sending His only begotten Son Jesus who was not spared to suffer and die on the cross just to show His great love for us. God continues to strip tease constantly, consistently and continuously just to lure us back to His loving embrace. His love knows no boundary; it gets more intense, longer, higher and deeper as the days go by. Amen. Hallelujah!

Isaiah 62:1-5

No more shall people call you “Forsaken, “ or your land “Desolate, “ but you shall be called “My Delight, “  and your land “Espoused.” For the LORD delights in you and makes your land his spouse. As a young man marries a virgin, your Builder shall marry you; and as a bridegroom rejoices in his bride so shall your God rejoice in you.

When we have an appointment or a schedule it requires us to make necessary preparation for it before the date itself. There are times when we have to go through stressful activities in order to meet some requirements that go with it. This should make us think all the more of the greatest appointment we have to face on that final day and act in accordance to the demand of the inevitability and reality of this day. How much more are we supposed to prepare for that unknown day if indeed we believe that we have to be there and get to our destiny, where we are supposed to be in God's Kingdom. We should always be prepared for the day when we will come face to face with God. Every single day should be lived as if it's our last. How easy it is to put ourselves in the center of the universe. We are not the center of the universe, God is. We are just here on earth for a few fleeting years. 70 if we are strong in which to serve God. St. Theresa of Avila said to never waste a moment in time because she knows that every moment in time can secure heaven. When all is over and the battle has been won as in Revelation, God's name will be written in our foreheads and it will never be night again nor will we still need lamp or sunlight again because the Lord is our Light. There are so many things in life that worry us every day. We encounter people and circumstances that disturb our peace. We can't help but be stirred up and sometimes lose our focus. The truth is there is nothing that should bother us at all. We've got to hold on to the truth always that God is on top of everything. We have to be perfectly aware of the fact that the Lord has the whole world in the palm of His hand and will surely rule it with justice and constancy. It is always worth our all when we stand by the principles of God. No matter what it is that we are going through right now we can always draw strength and inspiration in this truth and not be moved. We look at our own lives and see that it is dark in many ways in the form of bad stories that we hear about. We are not perfect but we can do something to bring the glowing radiance of Christ to the world. We must be able to calm ourselves and silence our mind over a lot of worries and anxiety. In doing so we could immediately feel the peace and assurance that God never ever leaves us every step of the way. It helps to do the 3Rs: Reflecting, Remembering, Renewing. It is really important that we constantly reflect on the word of God, wherein the scriptures become fully alive in our life. We should always remember how God helped us in a certain experience. In doing so, hope starts to rise again. It is equally important that we live a balanced life by renewing so that we don't get worn out by the daily turmoil of our life. Those who toil will reap and will be able to reflect God's glory through the fruits of their harvest. We have 101 reasons to always rejoice and be glad. Jesus came and entered humanity in the most humble way. He loved us as we are and was willing to be born in a manger. He doesn't wait for us to transform ourselves but take us for who we are. It is very consoling to know that we have a God who was willing to be born into the messiness of our lives. We may not have received all the things we have been asking for specifically but we continue to believe that God in His goodness and mercy did answer all our prayers in the way that He deemed is best. It doesn't change the fact that He is God, always in control and every single thing works according to His master plan and divine purpose. We can be assured that He will carry out the plan He has for us, as in Jeremiah 29:11, For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the LORD, plans for your welfare, not for woe, plans to give you a future full of hope. God is over, above, around, about and all over the world. It is only right and fitting that we give glory to God who is above all. Let us always be grounded on this truth and make it clear for us so as not to fall into the trap and deception of the gods of the nations which are things of naught. Let us truly be faithful to the one and true God who made the heavens. We should listen, learn and be part of the task of spreading God's word to every person if we are really one with Him. No one is excluded from God's call of love. We often hear people saying that life is unfair but it is always a consolation to know that we have a God who is consistently good and just all the time. We can surely rely on Him all the time. God is sending all of us a friendship despite our coldness towards Him. He gives us all that we need. He is as good as He is great. He is very lavish with His promises and faithful in keeping them.  Whatever situation we are in we should always take the opportunity of showing forth God's glory at its best in our own lives. Nowadays, people tend to make decisions based on money. We must not discount the fact that money is important but it should not be the sole and major deciding factor when we come up with a decision. If we know exactly why we are here and what we are here for then there's no reason to doubt that God is always at our side to love, support and make things work for good. But we need to believe that God's power knows no limit. This world of ours is amazingly designed by God. DNA a double helical structure,   which is found in every living creature, which includes us, humans, is also existent in the solar system. Scientists found out that the pattern in which the planets rotate around the sun is also in a double helical conformation. It is undeniable evidence by the signature of God scattered all over the planet and extends to the entire universe that not even the most intelligent and brilliant astrologers could explain. We are indeed blessed and endowed with a wealth of endless benefits and cures just lying around us and within our reach. He is Great and Mighty and to Him alone do we put our trust. We must not be discouraged and continue to hope in His power. Amen. Hallelujah!

Responsorial Psalm 96:1-2, 2-3, 7-8, 9-10
R.  Proclaim his marvelous deeds to all the nations.
Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all you lands. 2 Sing to the Lord; bless his name. (R) Announce his salvation, day after day. 3 Tell his glory among the nations; among all peoples, his wondrous deeds. (R)

The 2nd reading for today tells us that though we feel inadequate in ourselves we need not despair because God has given each one of us a gift for some benefit and the others too. We all belong in God's big family and we are all part of His body. We are all connected in a way and God will bring to us people, events and situations that will perfect us and our needs for His greater glory and for the good of the entire people of God, the Church in which we are all a part of. In the talk, "Revealing God's love to others" by Fr. Bill DeLaney, SJ. He said that there are several names attributed to God but the name "Abba" holds a special meaning. He is a God that is not distant and shows Himself as a loving Father to a son. He said we have a task at hand which is to continue the outpouring of the Spirit in the Church. He said that we have already been filled but we leak so we have to constantly be filled and there should be an ongoing filling of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is revealed in many ways and one of these is when the Holy Spirit reveals sovereignty, which means it is direct and only God can do it. The Holy Spirit is always present but we do not always feel its presence. We have to work with Jesus so that it can be revealed. In Gal. 5:22 there are several fruits of the Spirit which allows us to reveal God's presence to others and bring it out in others. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. It is sad that oftentimes we do not reflect the fruits rather the opposite. We are invited to live at peace with everyone by first becoming the person of peace. It can never be done in hostility but only in gentleness. 1 Tim  5:3, treat others even your enemies with courtesy and respect. It is how you relate and disagree with one another that tell much of who we really are. It is rooted in the truth of who we are and what we honestly believe. The will of Jesus for the community is unity. He prayed not only for the disciples but for all those who believe. A Christian community should love and respect each other even when we disagree. Heroic virtues and holiness should just be something ordinary since it is the way it should be for a true Christian. He said that when we pray for patience we should be willing to go through the process of planting, cultivating and nourishing it.  Amen. Hallelujah!

1 Corinthians 12:3b-7. 12-13
Brothers and sisters: No one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the holy Spirit. There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.

Mary's privilege and honor as the Mother of God is no doubt a singular grace given to her alone. She has been greatly blessed by God for being chosen to carry Jesus in her womb and nurse her. It has been written and foretold from past generations. It was through the total surrender of the Blessed Mother Mary to God’s will that the Word of God is manifested in her life. Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit in the womb of Mary. We can learn a lot from the kind of life that Mary lived and ask her to intercede for us. For who could better show us the way to Jesus other than her who gave birth to our Savior Jesus Christ. We also in our own way can conceive Jesus although not in our wombs but in our hearts and who could better teach us to do this other than the mother of Jesus whom He gave to mankind at the foot of cross. “Behold our Mother.” She understands for there is nothing that she doesn’t understand since she experienced the killing of her Son. St. Anselm brilliantly captures the crucial role of Mary in our salvation history. He said, “God... is the Father of the created world and Mary the mother of the re-created world. God is the Father by whom all things were given life, and Mary the mother through whom all things were given new life. For God begot the Son, through whom all things were made, and Mary gave birth to him as the Savior of the world. Without God’s Son, nothing could exist; without Mary’s Son, nothing could be redeemed.” This is an incredible thing. It was only possible because God became man. There is an interplay between God’s grace and Mary’s free acceptance. This is what the real Catholic life is all about.  This is God’s desire for us which is a fantastic calling. The power to do this is given to us by God in Jesus through Mary. Let us no longer be tricked into believing otherwise and know that just like Mary we are also called to play our part in the history of salvation the way she did. Amen. Hallelujah!

John 2:1-11
1 There was a wedding in Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. 2 Jesus and his disciples were also invited to the wedding. 3 When the wine ran short, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.” 4 And Jesus said to her, “Woman, how does your concern affect me? My hour has not yet come.” 5 His mother said to the servers, “Do whatever he tells you.”…

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