Sunday, August 20, 2017


Sometimes we repeatedly commit the same mistakes over and over again. We become very miserable due to this. Sometimes we end up in a bigger mess than we already are in because we go astray from the path that God is showing us to follow. We are stubborn and refuse to obey. Several times have this already happened but we don't seem to learn at all. We refuse to let go of our bad habits and continue to be stubborn. It seems like we prefer failure, disaster and great distress since it will inevitably come whenever we succumb to the temptations of the enemy and fail to obey. That's how we are at times and the truth is that God wanted to make things easy for us but it is ourselves that are making it more difficult than it is. Since it would really require more like a mountain and a giant of an effort on our part to get rid of our personal idiosyncrasies than to give way to God's. True or true?

Judges 2:11-19
...He allowed them to fall into the power of their enemies round about whom they were no longer able to withstand. 15 Whatever they undertook, the LORD turned into disaster for them, as in his warning he had sworn he would do, till they were in great distress...They were quick to stray from the way their fathers had taken, and did not follow their example of obedience to the commandments of the LORD...they would relapse and do worse than their fathers, following other gods in service and worship, relinquishing none of their evil practices or stubborn conduct.

We should always keep in mind that if Moses was able to turn back God's anger and withhold His destructive wrath how much more Jesus His only begotten Son who suffered, was obedient to the point of death on the Cross and gave Himself as ransom to redeem us from all our sins. Let us not forget even for a second nor neglect this truth every single minute, hour and day of our lives that we have been ransomed, saved and redeemed by the Precious Blood of Jesus. Our little gods and idols can not do anything for us. They are useless and stupid things. How foolish we can be as a people of God  to do such things and be off track by turning away from where the Lord has pointed out. A lot of terrible things happen when we forget. Important and significant events in our life should always hold a special place in our hearts. We must not ignore those times when we had those special moments with the Lord. These will serve as a constant reminder to us and would definitely help us remain faithful to the Lord. Our memory of this, though very wonderful to forget may sometimes become dull or fade in the background when we are beset by the present and daily cares of this world. We may eventually lose the awe and wonder that we used to feel about it as time passes most especially when we encounter trials and difficulties. Today's psalm tells us to always remember, never forget and always tell our story of the goodness of God. Let us not forget and be mindful always of the love of God. Sometimes when things don't turn out the way we wanted or expected we get sidetracked by the realities of this world then we start to immediately or slowly lose sight of the goodness of God. No matter what our situation is we must not forget that God saved us, had done great and wondrous deeds and He alone has the power to make things happen and not happen in our lives. We have to be in a relationship with the only true God. If there's something we really need to be thankful to God for bringing us to life at this present time that is the fact that we have a glorious background that we can always draw strength, hope and inspiration. We need to focus on this and be aware that we've got so many things in this present life to look back to and be blessed. The timeline of our salvation history demonstrates God's persistent and consistent effort to win our hearts and be in a relationship with us. Not to forget that after Jesus, the saints followed which added to the color of this long time running declaration and evidence of God's great love for us. It's been quite a while already that He has been waiting for our answer much more than a suitor offering his pledge of love to his lady. We should never doubt any single moment that God is good all the time and all we need to do is just give thanks to Him no matter what our circumstances may be. Let us always remind ourselves of the good things God has done in our lives. Let us always count our blessings instead of focus on the negative things. We are constantly reminded in the readings today to always work for the things that win the favor of God. It's not because of any selfish motive but because what we do is born out of great love for the Lord. God calls us to repent and live a new life. There's one very important thing that we should be guided with. We always have to keep in mind that a repentance born out of fear will never last but repentance born out of love will last. We should always keep in mind the great love of God for all of us. Our Lord's instructions are very simple and easy to understand. It is in the following and obeying part that we find difficulty in doing. Let us always focus our eyes on the Lord and remember to follow and keep what the responsorial psalm tells us if we intend to live a blessed life not just in the beginning but to the end. Amen. Hallelujah!


Psalm 106:34-35. 36-37. 39-40. 43ab and 44
R: Remember us, O Lord, as you favor your people.
34 They did not exterminate the peoples, as the LORD had commanded them, 35 but mingled with the nations and learned their works. (R) 36 They served their idols, which became a snare for them. 37 They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons. (R) 39 They became defiled by their works, and wanton in their crimes. 40 And the LORD grew angry with his people, and abhorred his inheritance. (R) 43 Many times did he rescue them, but they embittered him with their counsels. 44 Yet he had regard for their affliction when he heard their cry. (R)

We should always have this attitude of readiness to always obey, follow and live the example of the life of Jesus. There is no reason to feel sad if we believe that we can always restore what is lost and gain a hundredfold to the point of overflowing whatever we give up for the building of God's kingdom. We can never out give our God whom we owe our existence, the Creator. God doesn't want us to settle for anything less. Let us be open to His abundance for He has the best and excellent surprises in store for all of us. It has helped me realize that if we think that we're already contented with how things are going then we need to think twice and hard. There's more to it than what we are able to think and imagine. Just like in today's gospel when the rich young man was further challenged by Jesus to go beyond the boundaries of goodness and be perfect in every way. We too must not hesitate to go beyond our capacities and discover that there is something more in store for those who are willing to give up more. Let us learn the art of letting go and letting God in order to reach infinity and beyond. Detachment is a word that is not easy to practice especially with not just things but people too. Today's gospel asks us to do just that in order to be perfect. Whew! We must admit that all of us have certain attachments in this world that we could not just let go of. It's not only with material possessions that today's gospel is talking about but also with people that we find hard to detach ourselves from. We should only cling to God alone. Although God being loving and perfect in everything that He is, surely does not want us to turn our backs from these attachments we have in this world in the literal sense of the word but it is in finding ourselves still with peace and joy despite the absence of them. It is because of the knowledge that God alone suffice. Amen. Hallelujah!

Matthew 19:16-22

A young man approached Jesus and said, “Teacher, what good must I do to gain eternal life?”...‘You shall not kill; you shall not commit adultery; you shall not steal; you shall not bear false witness;  honor your father and your mother’; and ‘you shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ ” The young man said to him, “All of these I have observed. What do I still lack?” Jesus said to him, “If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” When the young man heard this statement, he went away sad, for he had many possessions.

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