Monday, November 7, 2011


We’ll find in the Book of Proverbs a lot of things about wisdom even in Sirach, Ecclesiastes and all the wisdom literature in scriptures. Wisdom is the ability to make right decisions in complex situations. They are decisions that lead to the best and right thing. Without this we can be in big trouble. We’ve got to be able to decide in a situation that we’re in what the right thing to do which is the best thing to do. How do we get something done? There are some folks who probably just can’t figure out what to do. There are other folks who look at the problem and they can figure out a solution. It’s a core and they execute that core. It’s practical wisdom. It is good to have people around us to give us support but we can not always depend on other people to do things for us, there has got to be a time when we should stand up on our own two feet, develop the backbone, be self reliant and take responsibility. We should be able to make decisions, stand by them, not point any fingers when things seem to go wrong and be able to really claim them as our own. If we do, we will see that things are brought to light and better understanding as they eventually fall into perfect place. As in Romans 8:28, "We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to His purpose." We have to prove ourselves worthy of the call. It is by doing this that we will develop character that will enhance our qualities to become a better person and Christian that our Lord Jesus Christ would surely be proud of. Amen. Hallelujah!

Wisdom 1:1-7

1 Love justice, you who judge the earth; think of the LORD in goodness, and seek him in integrity of heart; 2 because he is found by those who test him not, and he manifests himself to those who do not disbelieve him. 3 For perverse counsels separate a man from God, and his power, put to the proof, rebukes the foolhardy; 4 because into a soul that plots evil wisdom enters not, nor dwells she in a body under debt of sin. 5 For the Holy spirit of discipline flees deceit and withdraws from senseless counsels; and when injustice occurs it is rebuked. 6 For wisdom is a kindly spirit, yet she acquits not the blasphemer of his guilty lips; because God is the witness of his inmost self and the sure observer of his heart and the listener to his tongue. 7 For the spirit of the LORD fills the world, is all-embracing, and knows what man says.

Technology has become so advanced nowadays that nothing remains unknown for long. With the latest in probes, sensors and the like in just one click of the computer everything is laid before us. Sometimes it just goes too far and out of bounds and we fail to conform and align all these innovations to the Author and Inventor of all these things. Let us not forget, He is the source of everything there was, is and will be. Amen. Hallelujah!

Psalm 139:1b-3, 13-14ab, 14c-15
R: Guide me, Lord, along the everlasting way.
1 O LORD, you have probed me and you know me; 2 you know when I sit and when I stand; you understand my thoughts from afar. 3 My journeys and my rest you scrutinize, with all my ways you are familiar.

There's this funny story about sin and temptation that I heard of a long time ago. It was about a person who went to confession, he said that he is tormented by impure thoughts and is having a hard time getting over it. The priest said that it is not yet a sin and still a temptation if he has not entertained them. The man therefore concluded that he has not sinned. According to him he did not entertain it rather it entertained him. Sometimes we can make up our own justification and rationale and go around these things. Well, that’s entertainment. Jesus knows that as sure as the sun shines every morning are the temptations that come to us every day. Today's gospel is a stern warning, "Be on your guard." We should truly be, because the enemy is cunning and deceiving that we might end up better off tying a millstone around our necks and thrown into the sea. What an exaggeration just to get this important message across, "Thou shall not entertain temptations and fall into sin." Amen. Hallelujah!

Luke 17:1-6
1 Jesus said to his disciples, “Things that cause sin will inevitably occur, but woe to the person through whom they occur. 2 It would be better for him if a millstone were put around his neck and he be thrown into the sea than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin. 3 Be on your guard!

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