Tuesday, January 28, 2020


We have a God who never fail and will always fulfill what He said He would do. This prophecy of Samuel in today’s 1st reading explains why Jesus was often referred to in the scriptures as Son of David. The long history of the chosen people of God speaks of a Messiah whom they have long waited for. The more we get familiar with the scriptures the better our understanding of the prophecies from the Old Testament in connection with the New Testament. The deeper we know more about them the better our amazement and appreciation of how God works in mysterious, wonderful and miraculous ways. The long span of more than 4 thousand years that date way back to the time of Abraham to the time of Jesus speak of God's faithfulness to His covenant with His people. I often hear people say that life is so uncertain and that nobody knows what's going to happen next. Everything that we do seems to be a gamble for we are so imperfect and bound to make mistakes and wrong decisions. There are times when we look at our lives and ask where it is headed, when are things going to happen and change for the better and what awaits us in the days to come. It is so appeasing to know that we have a God who always speaks to us through the events, people and circumstances that surround us. In today's 1st reading, it tells us that only time can tell, all we have to do is remain faithful to God and persevere to the end since it speaks of Samuel telling David of a prophecy which was fulfilled 900 years later in Jesus. God's promises will always be true and can stand the test of time all throughout generations. Before I got myself involved in bible study I was just taking the title of Jesus as "Son of David" for what it is, just a title they have decided to call him. After several sessions things become clearer to me and taken on a deeper meaning. People who address him in the New Testament as Son of David are people who know of the salvation history of Israel or the chosen people. They are the very people who have come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah because they have been promised of one who will come from the House of David as foretold by the prophets of old.  This is very interesting that we find our Christian faith rooted in Jewish heritage. The more we know of the ancestral beginning of Christianity the better our appreciation of it and eventually and inevitably lead to awe and marvel of God's wonders and miracles. St. Joseph is the foster father of Jesus and protector of the Holy Family. Joseph is an unwitting accomplice to the work of salvation. Mary, the Mother of Jesus, is his betrothed. He is given no options as to what he wants as regards the birth of Jesus. Yet somehow Joseph manages to allow the grace of God to lead and guide him such that he willingly accepts his role as foster father of Jesus and protector of the Holy Family. We, too sometimes find ourselves in a situation when we have no idea how things came about, it just happened without exerting any effort on our part. It just shows how God is able to do wonderful things in our life. All we need to do is follow the example of Joseph who at that time did not have any idea whatsoever that those were going to happen to him. Joseph is a righteous man; he stands in the line of righteous men stretching back to Abraham. It was mentioned above that he had little choice about the direction of his life. However, we must not fail to reflect upon the option that he could have simply walked away and left Mary and the child in her womb to fend for themselves. He could not do this as he was a good man and could see that Mary was going to need his help. Though he may seem to be a somewhat silent observer in the work of salvation, he plays a much greater and more important role than most give him credit for. He allowed God to lead and guide him through that situation which he obviously did not plan or intend to happen.  In whatever situation we are in right now, whether it's all part of our plans or not, let us continue to allow the grace of God to work for He can surely bring about goodness and prosperity in our lives. We may be in a situation where we are not truly satisfied with what is happening around us but we must continue to believe. What a glorious promise from God to His faithful servant David. He has the same words for those who will faithfully and perseveringly follow His lead. If we can only look back and examine carefully our lives in the past then we can gauge from there if we have been totally obedient to His will in our lives. Are we missing out on something? Let us be quick and diligent to assess our lives so as not to miss out on the best things that God has in store for us. We can always count on God to carry out the plans He has for His people and always be true to His word. There is no greater joy in the knowledge of the hope, joy and love that Jesus is our Savior. Amen. Hallelujah!

2 Samuel 7:4-17
...Your house and your kingdom shall endure forever before me; your throne shall stand firm forever.’ ” 17 Nathan reported all these words and this entire vision to David.
We are assured of a God who never breaks His promise and will see everything come to fulfillment. He will not disappoint nor let us down for His love for us endures forever. The promises of our God will stand firm. Amen. Hallelujah!

Psalm 89:4-5, 27-28, 29-30 R: For ever I will maintain my love for my servant.
3 [4] “I have made a covenant with my chosen one, I have sworn to David my servant: 4 [5] I will make your dynasty stand for ever and establish your throne for all ages.”...

The legacy of King David has been handed down to us through Jesus. We have all been given the opportunity to prosper and bear much fruit as in today's gospel but all of it remains a seed with all its potential that still needs to be realized through our cooperation. I remember when I was picking out a specific greeting card that I was planning to give to someone. From out of the many greeting card choices, I suddenly singled out this particular greeting card with a picture of a bird which I had not chosen and just made fun of, since we were laughing and joking about it. Today's gospel contains this bible verse, "some seed fell on the path, and the birds came and ate it up...As soon as they hear, Satan comes at once and takes away the word sown in them." It just dawned on me that these birds can pose as a very enticing and interesting view for us with regards to our life in the same way that Satan can deceive us all. We can just watch them and be fascinated as they eat the seeds without realizing that we are being robbed of God's Word in us. This particular scene reminded me of a time when I had the opportunity of enjoying this picturesque garden overlooking a small stream, with lots of birds in it and almost looks like paradise. I enjoyed the view and even fed the birds. God’s message with regards to the gospel today has become more intense as these circumstances start to unfold before me. Its urgency tends to be heightened even more by the fact that we are constantly in a battle, day in and out which we might not be completely aware of since we do not know what’s really going on around us. Sometimes we can be lured into something very beautiful without realizing that there is a catch to it. We must not forget that the choice is completely ours. We have all been chosen, qualified and equipped for a fruitful harvest but it is all up to us to respond in accordance to this great privilege. Let us all seek to nurture this seed that Jesus has planted in our hearts. Just like any other plant that grows, it needs to be well taken care by regularly watering it and exposing to air and sunlight depending on the specific demand of the plant. The same way with us who have already been planted with God's word. Let us constantly ask God to always open our minds and hearts to the mysteries of His Infinite love and mercy that we may become the rich soil where the seed of the Word of God can be cultivated and bear much fruit. Let us guard with all our strength this perfect gift of God to us in Jesus Christ and never let it be stolen away by the enemy. We have the power and the will to drive it away. In today's gospel the Lord is inviting us to examine ourselves closely and become the rich soil and produce fruit. Amen. Hallelujah!

Mark 4:1-20
...“The mystery of the kingdom of God has been granted to you.But to those outside everything comes in parables, so that ‘they may look and see but not perceive, and hear and listen but not understand, in order that they may not be converted and be forgiven.’” Jesus said to them, “Do you not understand this parable? Then how will you understand any of the parables? The sower sows the word. These are the ones on the path where the word is sown. As soon as they hear, Satan comes at once and takes away the word sown in them. And these are the ones sown on rocky ground who, when they hear the word, receive it at once with joy. But they have no root; they last only for a time. Then when tribulation or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away. Those sown among thorns are another sort. They are the people who hear the word, but worldly anxiety, the lure of riches, and the craving for other things intrude and choke the word, and it bears no fruit. But those sown on rich soil are the ones who hear the word and accept it and bear fruit thirty and sixty and a hundredfold.”

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