Monday, July 1, 2019


Today's 1st reading reminded me of our rigorous and challenging climb in the hills of Schabarum Park. It was an unforgettable trek at the topmost part of the park which happened many years ago. We've been there many times already so Bernadeth and I noticed the very narrow and steep trail up the highest hill and considered climbing it. We finally decided to go up that trail in order to experience it for ourselves. We found out on our way up that it was really steep almost like a 90 degree angle and was quite a long climb not as we expected judging from below. On our way up there were some parts of the trail that almost made me slip down and fall that I really needed to secure each and every step I made. Although it was really very risky and was almost like an extreme challenge it felt good when we finally reached the top. We walked on and continued to search for an easier way down but our several attempts failed because all the trails that we found have been blocked due to the overgrown bushes that have totally covered it. We were forced to look for another way and even went back where we climbed up but still ended up using another trail. I was getting sweaty, nervous and started to pray. I thought to myself that if it was very difficult climbing up, I realized that it is more difficult going down since the pull of gravity could force me down uncontrollably and we both have nothing on our hands to hold on to except for the thorny bushes that could easily break loose when placed with too much weight. We both decided without saying a word to each other that we really have to find our way down fast since it was getting late and the topmost part of the hill that we climbed looked abandoned and undisturbed as if no one had ever dared to climb it before. The worst part was the nagging thought in my mind about the warning signs in the place of rattlesnakes and stray mountain tigers. I was already thinking that if worse comes to worst and we couldn't find a trail going down which is less steep than the one we climbed up then we would just be forced to sit and slide ourselves down in the middle of the rocky and thorny bushes. This we eventually did because we couldn’t find any other way. It was like hearing the very words in today’s 1st reading, “…Flee for your life! Don’t look back or stop anywhere on the Plain. Get off to the hills at once, or you will be swept away.” We were really agonizing on our way down to safety since the thorny bushes were pricking us from all over. When we finally did it, that was when we bothered to look at the damage caused to ourselves. Bernadeth had scratches in her legs since she was wearing only knee long pants it was a good thing I wore long jogging pants, though I also had some due to the thorns that went through my pants. Although it was very challenging and not very safe this experience reminded me of what the Lord is telling us about the road to perdition being wide and easy but the road that leads to Him is narrow and difficult. Especially when I looked at my hand which I accidentally poked with something that caused it to bleed and showed it to Sis Marcy and Sis Rose after we finally met up with them, Sis Marcy noticed that it looked as if I had a stigmata on my hand. Having heard that, I should say that all our hardships and struggles are all worth it if offered to the Lord. Just like Lot's family who went through a lot of struggles before they reached safety unfortunately his wife turned into a pillar of salt for not obeying the angel's instruction, it somehow shows us our own hard headedness and we have hesitations when we know we will face difficulties and uncertainties. Let us always believe that God sends us His angels as a constant assurance that He will bring us to safety if we just follow and obey Him. Amen. Hallelujah!

Genesis 19:15-29

15 As dawn was breaking, the angels urged Lot on, saying, “On your way!...When he hesitated, the men, by the LORD’s mercy, seized his hand and the hands of his wife and his two daughters and led them to safety outside the city...“Flee for your life! Don’t look back or stop anywhere on the Plain. Get off to the hills at once, or you will be swept away.”...

Sometimes we really have to be put to the test which is not new to everybody. We've heard several kinds of test already, an example of one is the board exam in order to secure a license and prove our competence in the profession we choose to practice. The same with our God we need to go through a process in order to stand firm and confident in our faith in God. Amen. Hallelujah!

Psalm 26:2-3. 9-10. 11-12

R: O Lord, your mercy is before my eyes.

2 Search me, O LORD, and try me; test my soul and my heart... My foot stands on level ground; in the assemblies I will bless the LORD.

The gospel for today is another scene at the Sea of Galilee which should made us think and recall once again all the unforgettable, awe inspiring and amazing events whether in our own life or in the life of the apostles during that time that are related to it. We may have heard of this story of a mountain climber who fell and was hanging on a rope and prayed to God for help. He heard a voice telling him to let go of the rope. It was dark and could not see what’s below him and so did not follow the voice. It was already morning when he found out that he was just one foot above the ground. How attached are we to our own rope? Examples of most common attachments are the following. Belief that they were born poor and lowly with a low self worth.  They forget that they are children of God and become weak. God wants to bless the poor to have a rich and comfortable life. We have some unpleasant character and attitude that we find hard to believe can still be changed. We must believe that by the grace of God everybody can change. We have to overcome bad practices like being habitually late, TV addiction and gossiping. Vices and sins like smoking, drinking, drugs, gambling, fornication and illicit sexual relationships. Old ways or bad habits can be attributed to “homing instinct” This happens when we keep on going back to the same old same environment where we came from despite bitter memories and pain in the past. This may sound unimaginable but we feel comfortable with the old ways, beliefs and environment. Will we let go of our attachments? It is written in Isaiah 41:13 For I am the LORD, your God, who grasp your right hand; It is I who say to you, Do not fear, I will help you. How will we counter these attachments? First we need to admit it and open the door of change. Then we act on it and rebuild. Whenever we are tempted we have to do the opposite. We have to pray constantly for change, improvement and growth. In the gospel we are reminded to take courage. Here are some guidelines that can help us overcome our attachments. Identify our common attachments hindering growth of our Christian life. Explain. How real is “homing instinct” in our life? Knowing our present attachments, what are our steps to counteract them and grow?  There is no doubt really to the amazing power of God that could make all things possible. But what was impressed to me today was the fact that we have to be sure that we are riding on the same boat where Jesus is. If we are caught in a violent storm at sea and we have Jesus on board then there is really nothing to worry about. What should make us worry is that if we know that we did not get into same boat where Jesus is. We have to look back and recall or even go back to the shore of the Sea of Galilee in our lives when Jesus was calling us if we indeed obeyed and followed Him and boarded on the same boat where He got into. Sometimes in our lives when Jesus calls us to do something we end up making decisions for ourselves that are not in accordance to His will so when a great storm comes we become shipwrecked since we were not on the same boat where Jesus was. How many times in our lives have we encountered the most violent storms in our lives but we remained steadfast and unmoved by it and still emerged peaceful and calm? And how many times have we encountered much less violent storms and we ended up terrified and at a loss? In both occasions we can all benefit from it if we look closely at our own lives during these trying times and figure out what could have caused the shipwreck. Or even recall what happened to Lot's wife in the 1st reading when she failed to follow instructions and turned into a pillar of salt. I am sure that we can all find that if and only if we obey and follow Jesus and go on board in the boat of our lives where He is leading us then we can truly be at peace no matter how violent the raging storm is around us. Amen. Hallelujah!

Matthew 8:23-27

As Jesus got into a boat and his disciples followed him. Suddenly a violent storm came up on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by waves; but he was asleep. They came and woke him, saying, “Lord, save us! We are perishing!” He said to them, “Why are you terrified, O you of little faith?” Then he got up, rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was great calm. The men were amazed and said, “What sort of man is this, whom even the winds and the sea obey?”

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