Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Moses as we all know based on the previous readings we've had is considered a friend of God and was able to talk to God face to face. These should further inspire not only me but the rest of us in maintaining and constantly conversing with God to improve our relationship with God in each passing day. We often get disappointed when we look at the rate we are going and find ourselves still lacking. But what's most important and of great consolation is the fact that God never gives up on us. Despite our shortcomings He continues to stir us to our eternal goals in every possible way especially through the people whom we meet. Today’s 1st reading brought back memories of Sister Carmen Julia and Monica and our very interesting and grace filled conversation that centers most on vocations. When Sis Marcy asked Sister Carmen Julia what made her decide to enter the convent and become a nun, she simply answered that she felt it all along in her heart even when she was still very young. She said that the feeling just never left her and was there all the time. She felt restless until she finally succumbed to it. But she also said that nothing is 100% sure until the day we die. Only when that time comes we'll we be sure. Maybe what she was trying to say is that when we come face to face with God on that final day then only will there be full understanding and perfect knowledge of everything. In the mean time all we have to do for now is try to give our best and 100% efforts out of our imperfect natures and uncertain offerings. What’s very interesting here is the fact that the kind words of Sister Carmen Julia regarding her impression that I look so full of God would always hold a special meaning for me in relation to this bible passage which is about Moses who had become radiant while he conversed with God. This should inspire us all to always look our best, be full of God and radiate it to others that it can not be denied. Amen. Hallelujah!

Exodus 34:29-35
29 As Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the commandments in his hands, he did not know that the skin of his face had become radiant while he conversed with the LORD...

We must be cleansed of impurities, stains of our sins, must be sanctified and not be like white washed tombs. Sins are offenses against a person, society and God. They vary in their degree. Here are the impurities that must be cleansed:
1. Venial sins that have not been forgiven (CCC 1472;1862) 2. Mortal sins (CCC 1857-1859) (1 Jn. 5:16-17) a violation of the 10 commandments, serious in nature, full knowledge, deliberate consent and voluntary. Sins that lead to death.  God knows our heart, to whom much is given more is expected. No one is deemed ignorant in the conscience of the Law. There are 2 types of ignorance: a) Vincible ignorance is something that a person can overcome since it is our responsibility to know more about our God. If we did not act on the good thing that we have access or within our means then we can not be excused from it. b) Invincible ignorance - something you can not overcome. Example: pagans who are in unreachable places. Basic goodness is inculcated by God in every person. Our conscience dictates us to worship our Creator. 

2.Sins that have not been fully atoned for. We must repair the consequences of our sins. We should fully pay for it. In Luke 19:8 Zacchaeus said, "Listen Sir, I'll give 1/2 of my possessions to the poor and if I have cheated anyone, I'll pay him back 4x as much." The consequences of sin are guilt and punishment due to sin (CCC 1473) and also in 2 Samuel 11-12 when David repented of his grievous sins of adultery and murder but also suffered its consequences. 
Here are some objections on Purgatory:
1. It adds to the finished work of Christ.
Atty. Moya the speaker explained that the death and suffering of Jesus on the cross was already enough and doesn't need to add anything more to it but compared it to a cleansing formula or soap made available to all where we can draw from the same saving grace of God that can cleanse us all.
2. It is inconsistent with a loving, merciful God.
We should think of purgatory as a means that God gives us so that not just a few but many can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. As it is written in the bible that the road to perdition is wide but to eternal life is narrow. For if not for this then no one can ever stand before God because He can not be any other than what He really is, Holy, Pure and Unblemished. I once heard a story that when the day comes when we come face to face with God it's not that God is rejecting us but it is His Holy Presence and Brightness that makes us turn away from God since we are full of dirt that His ever radiant and blinding light exposes everything about us we choose to be in a state wherein we can be cleansed first before we stand before Him.
3. It is a 2nd chance after death. We know this is not true since once we died then that's the end of it but purgatory serves as a cleansing state although we died in the grace of God some impurities and stains are still not totally purified and cleansed. An example cited here is stealing a $100 and asking forgiveness but there is still a need to return what was stolen.
4. No biblical basis. The following bible passages help explain the existence of purgatory. (1 Cor 3:11-15; 2 Mac 12:42-46; Mt. 18:34 (Parable of the Unforgiving Servant) "Pay up for whatever he owe until he paid the last penny" )

 Indulgences are what we gain for our own purification and for the purification of the souls in purgatory (CCC 1471) It helps us in our spiritual life and promotes charity. It was recommended that we make a conscious effort to always offer our good works and prayers to have the intention to gain indulgences. There are 2 kinds: Plenary and partial. In order to benefit from it then we must be in state of grace, go to confession and receive Holy Communion. Biblical basis is Mt. 16:19 (CCC 1478) Keys of heaven entrusted to the head of the Church which allows to permit or prohibit on earth and in heaven. It spurs us to always be in the grace of God.

Psalm 99:5. 6. 7. 8. 9
R: Holy is the Lord our God.

5 Extol the LORD, our God, and worship at his footstool; holy is he! (R) 6 Moses and Aaron were among his priests, and Samuel, among those who called upon his name;..From the pillar of cloud he spoke to them; they heard his decrees and the law he gave them. (R) 8 O LORD, our God, you answered them; a forgiving God you were to them, though requiting their misdeeds...

Today is the feast day of St. Martha and I must admit that she is one of the saints who is close to my heart. First and foremost because of the fact that St. Martha's Church has become my official parish since I arrived here in the US. It is where I have gone for daily masses the most. She is a hardworking prayer intercessor who never stops in her labor for the service of God. Just like St. Martha we should all be firm believers that God answers all our prayers no matter how impossible it may be. Although the qualities of St. Martha depicted in a certain bible passage where she complained to the Lord that she is the one doing all the work does not speak very well of her we could still learn something from it. We should look at the example of the industrious and service oriented attitude of St. Martha especially when our lazy and careless sides get the better of us. It happens to the best of us when we sometimes run away from work and hesitate to be involved. As we make ourselves available for God's work we too like St. Martha in today's gospel can eventually transcend from that worried and anxious woman to a person of faith. When we are totally surrendered to the will of God nothing or no one should drive us to fear not even death itself. This is because we are confident of the saving power of God. He will never lead us to where His love can not reach us. We can always be assured of the loving arms of our Savior. Amen. Hallelujah!

John 11:19-27

21 Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. 22 [But] even now I know that whatever you ask of God, God will give you.” 23 Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise.” 24 Martha said to him, “I know he will rise, in the resurrection on the last day.” 25 Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, 26 and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?”...

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