Sunday, January 11, 2015


When my son Allan was only about 4-5 years old we used to be a dealer of soda and beer and our garage is full of these bottled drinks piled up to as high as 10 cases or more if I'm not mistaken. He was able to escape unhurt after climbing a stack of beer cases which fell on him. When I found him he was already sitting on the floor wet with beer and a pile of broken glasses scattered all over the place. I even ended up throwing away the t-shirt and shorts he was wearing since it was laden with broken glasses too. But not a single broken glass landed on any part of his body. It was indeed a miracle that I can attribute to his guardian angel. An almost similar thing happened to my elder son Jude. As I have shared before, Jude always end up the last person to finish his food on the table when he was still young and it was due to that he was always the only one left sitting in the dining room but to my amazement he suddenly stood up in a split second before the ceiling fan's light fell exactly where he was sitting. He could have been badly hurt if he hadn't stood up which he knew he was not supposed to do until he is finished with his food. I believe that we are well aware of the fact that God is All Powerful and Omnipotent and these angels who guard us are created by God are also known to possess a certain degree of superiority and excellence that is attributed to Jesus in today's 1st reading wherein the angels were mentioned several times. I got excited about this book of angels that I read and shared to friends. I guess we've not fully grasped or sometimes undermined the real nature of these heavenly creatures which reminds me of those fascinating stories of guardian angels who watch over us that we've always been told and experienced. We've always greeted people whom we come across with, "How are you?" It's just about the same greeting that we say and just about the same response that we get. Come to think of it, generally speaking life is pretty much the same we may therefore conclude. We fail to realize some things behind the seemingly monotonous and dull life we have. In Sister Faustina's diary she said that no two hours are the same and there's always something extraordinary about it. The difference in our way of seeing things lies in what is stated in today's 1st reading.  What has been fragmentary in the prophets has been brought to completion. These last few days spoke of His Son through God made all things. No one's life is left unchanged for those who followed the Lord. For those who look at life with faith even the monotony of life becomes extraordinary. Our lives are no longer the same and in no way ordinary if we have truly encountered Jesus in our lives, the refulgence of God's glory and the very imprint of His being. We have to understand the basic truth of our faith. Israel or the chosen people designated by God as 1st born and elected for the particular love of the Father has taken on a new depth. The promises made to Israel were all summed up in Jesus when He was sent to the world. He revealed Himself to us so he could invite us into fellowship with Him. Jesus is the 1st born who belongs to God in a special way and the fulfillment. He is the 1st born of all creation. He is the truth prototype of man. He is God and man. He has broken down all barriers and opened up the possibility of true communion with God. As scriptures say, "Mary wrapped her 1st born and laid Him in a manger." He is the 1st born of all brothers and sisters and helps us to true brotherhood and love one another as one family, God's family. This is the dignity of the human person. Amen. Hallelujah!

Hebrews 1:1-6
1 Brothers and sisters: In times past, God spoke in partial and various ways to our ancestors through the prophets; 2 in these last days, he spoke to us through a son, whom he made heir of all things and through whom he created the universe, 3 who is the refulgence of his glory, the very imprint of his being, and who sustains all things by his mighty far superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent than theirs. 5 For to which of the angels did God ever say: “You are my son; this day I have begotten you”? Or again: “I will be a father to him, and he shall be a son to me”? 6 And again, when he leads the first-born into the world, he says: “Let all the angels of God worship him.”

We don't want to be losers here in this life, do we? All the more should we not want to be losers in the next life for eternity. We have a God who fights our battles and we are assured of His victory already. We should all be well aware of God’s angels that surround us and are sent by God to us to always light, guide, rule and guard. It is just a matter of persevering and committing to the task that we are all called to fulfill. To live a life of faith in words, thoughts and deeds in our Lord Jesus Christ who lived, died and resurrected all for our sake. Erase all doubts and be faithful to the One God who is most high above every other god. We should develop an image of God that is fitting to Him as described in today's psalm. There are significant events in our life that we can associate with certain major decisions we made and can never forget. The place where we are right now is exactly where God wants us to be. If God brings us here then He will bring us through it. God knows exactly and with perfection what is being allowed to happen to us in our life at this precise moment. God's purpose for us is simply perfect. He wants to show us things that only we can understand by living what we are living and by being in the place where we are now. That's God, He passes us through a lot of things for us to see His glory. We all long to become a member or even be identified with groups and associations that hold a good name and reputation. It helps us in many ways and keeps us abreast with the latest trends in our profession for example. It could be considered an asset and we would definitely not leave it out from our resume because it speaks well of us. There are even associations that require us to fulfill certain requirements in order to qualify. We even have to go out of our way and make some sacrifices such as go through rigid screening, pass certain examinations and maintain certain units in order to comply with the qualifications. All of these we are willing to do and make ourselves able just to belong. Considering that these are all earthly memberships that could only last a lifetime. What about eternal memberships that continue even after this life is over? To be a part of the Kingdom where our Lord is King is the ultimate goal we should all set our eyes on. Whenever we are faced with problems and difficulties in life we should always find consolation in a God whom nothing is lost for He knows and sees all. We may still not be in perfect shape for the Lord but God is constantly at work in those who are just and upright of heart.  We have all the reasons to rejoice and be glad knowing that we have a God who is just. We should always acknowledge that without God we are nothing and God's power over us can only go as far as we allow Him to. Nothing else matters more than this truth that we have a God who is high over all the earth and exalted far above all gods. Amen. Hallelujah!

Psalm 97:1-2, 6-7, 9
R: Let all his angels worship him.
...Because you, O LORD, are the Most High over all the earth, exalted far above all gods.

Today's gospel is the scene at the Sea of Galilee, the call of the 1st disciples. This call is not just for them but for us too. We are also invited by Jesus with these same words, "Come after me..." It is being proclaimed to each one of us today. We may not respond in the same way that Peter and the others did. There are those who would leave their former way of life radically and some who remained in their workplace just like Zebedee. Whether we leave or just stay where we are we need to sanctify our work and seek to glorify God with our lives. Our lives should become rich and meaningful even the simplest thing is an encounter with God. The stories of the disciples especially of Peter that took place in the Sea of Galilee has taken a special meaning in my life in 2007. The sea of Galilee is where Jesus' call to the first disciples took place. It is good to recall and look back where our own Galilees are. I can still remember very well my own Sea of Galilee experience and should always keep in mind and never forget. It has become so personal for me. Peter played an important role in my decision to come here in the US. I could still recall the bible story in Luke 5 entitled, "The call of Simon (later on named Peter) the Fisherman." It was way back in Feb. 4, 2007, during those times when I was discerning and weighing my decision to come here to the US. This gospel reading from Luke specifically caught my attention, confirmed  and gave me confidence in what I was planning to do and eventually did. It was specifically the bible passages at the Sea of Galilee in Luke 5:4-6 "Jesus said to Peter, "Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch." Simon said in reply, "Master we have worked hard all night and caught nothing  but at your command I will lower the nets." When they had done this they caught a great number of fish their nets were tearing."  Just like Peter who was skeptical at that time I was also feeling so unsure about my decisions then and this phrase really had a great impact on me back then coupled with the priest's homily that went with it. That was 7 years ago now. I feel like God is reminding me again of that scene at the Sea of Galilee (also known as the Sea of Gennesaret) when I, just like Peter decided to respond to God's call in my own personal way. This message has been very persistent and I have always written about. Everything is just connected and confirms each and every event and circumstance. We can never question the impeccable and perfect timing of God in everything. We must also realize that Jesus in today's gospel could have succumbed to disappointment and discouragement after finding out of John's arrest but He did not. He went about and did what God the Father has called and sent Him to do. In the same way that Jesus is inviting us to come after Him and follow. All we have to do is trust Him to make all things happen for us with our best interests always in mind. It is our commitment to God that encompasses all others, more than any we've made. It is the sum and total of all vows. Needless to say, that all to Jesus we must surrender. Amen. Hallelujah!

Mark 1:14-20

14 After John had been arrested, Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the Gospel of God: 15 “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” 16 As he passed by the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting their nets into the sea; they were fishermen. 17 Jesus said to them, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” 18 Then they abandoned their nets and followed him. 19 He walked along a little farther and saw James, the son of Zebedee, and his brother John. They too were in a boat mending their nets. 20 Then he called them. So they left their father Zebedee in the boat along with the hired men and followed him.

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