Friday, August 7, 2020


We may have been praying for something a long time already and it seemed like nothing is happening. We must not lose heart for God is always at work. His ways and thoughts are much higher than ours. We can always rely on His word and can hold on to what Fr. Orbos said that there is a reason and a mission for everything and whatever may be happening to us we should always remember that it is in transition. It’s been many years ago when I first encountered this bible passage from today’s 1st reading on Oct. 7, 2007 (10-07-07). From that time, I’ve started writing down daily reflections based on the assigned bible readings up to this very day.  This bible passage was also one of the reasons why I remain steadfast in my decisions back then despite of it all. It’s also divine providence that I came across a music video in You Tube entitled “Everything In It’s Time” which has an identical message in today’s 1st reading which really captured the special meaning I hold in my heart. To make it connect even more is the fact that the numbers 8 and 10 are also significant for me. There were several events that I can associate with the numbers 8 and 10 which led me to this path where I am right now.  When I was still in the Philippines, I called the US Embassy to get a schedule for an interview. I was scheduled on Feb. 8, 2007 Thursday. At that time, I have been getting a lot of confirmations with the # 8 and the day Thursday that’s why they meant a lot to me. It was like getting a positive sign from the Lord already and was confirmed when I was granted a visa. Another incident was when I took the NCLEX-RN exam in Pasadena, on that day when we got to the testing center I got the surprise of my life when I saw the # 8 hanging in a stand. Although that # was not assigned to me and got the # 11, I secretly wished that I should have gotten the # 10 instead because it's considered as a perfect number. And guess what, wish granted when the test administrator accidentally switched the # and I got the # 10 instead. I personally think it is God's way of building up my confidence which I considered a good sign since I passed the test. It was also on the 8th of Nov. 2007 which happened to be a Thursday, too when I finally decided to stay in the US after receiving word from a USCIS personnel regarding my immigrant petition. What’s interesting here is that when I asked her name she refused to give it but gave the code Maria 550LM, the same as the Blessed Mother’s name. It was impressed to me that things are connected in a way since significant events in Mama Mary's life is dated with #8. Her birthday is on Sept. 8 and the Immaculate Conception on Dec.8. When (8-10-12) we attended the Block Rosary activity of the Militia Immaculata in Westminster in honor of a faithful departed soul whose birthday made an impact on me since it was also the birthday of another faithful departed loved one whom I had been offering a rosary daily. Today’s 1st reading is taken from Habakkuk which has 8 letters in it and the letter H represents the #8 in the alphabet. I feel that God has always been sending us positive signs although not directly implied God is giving us an opportunity to hold on to Him at all times no matter how unsure some things may be. There is more to it than I could ever realize, figure and write about. No matter how perfectly or slightly matched these numbers, endless connections and significant events are, the fact that God is always true to His words and promise thereby  making all things possible is the only true connection that really matters. Amen. Hallelujah!

Habakkuk 1:12 – 2:4
…2 Then the LORD answered me and said: Write down the vision clearly upon the tablets, so that one can read it readily. 3 For the vision still has its time, presses on to fulfillment, and will not disappoint; if it delays, wait for it, it will surely come, it will not be late…

Mark, Luke and Matthew are considered Petrine gospels because they originated from their association with Peter while the authority of John is coming from his direct relationship with Jesus being always in close contact with Him and fondly called as the one whom Jesus loved. Matthew is more of the strict and rigid type, which adheres to the laws. Luke depicts more of the healing power of Jesus. John is considered as high Christology, apocalyptic in nature since he is the one who died last among all the apostles he witnessed more and was able to write a lot of revelations about Jesus. In studying the bible we have to use the holistic approach and study all 4 gospels for a broader understanding of who Jesus is. If we continue to hold on to God and seek Him at all times in all things then we will never be disappointed. We will surely find Him and not be led astray for everything is under God’s control and power. Amen. Hallelujah! 

Psalm 9:8-9, 10-11, 12-13
R: You forsake not those who seek you, O Lord.
… The LORD is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of distress. 10 [11] They trust in you who cherish your name, for you forsake not those who seek you, O LORD.

God knows everything and assures us that all is under His control for nothing is impossible with God. We can not let unbelief nor the slightest trace of doubt set in. We should always acknowledge the fact that there is a continuous tug of war between good and evil. Whatever actions we engage in, will result to the advantage of one pulling end over the other. This is critical since we will contribute to the proliferation and taking root in us of one power over the other. It’s like hearing the words of a lawyer telling us, whatever you say and do can be used against you or the other way around, since it could also be to our advantage. It is definitely in our hands, we’ve got to nurture the seed of faith that God has planted in us.  We’ve got to take an active part in it and be perfectly aware of the truth that we are the variable factor. God is the constant factor. There is no question about God’s power and might that’s why we are able to move mountains because God said so. We need to let our faith grow from little to great just as God our Father whom we rely on, is able to do the impossible. We are destined for great things for we are God's special creation. We should always keep this in mind and believe that there is nothing that we can not do if only we put our faith in it.
Amen. Hallelujah!

Matthew 17:14-20

…Jesus said in reply, “O faithless and perverse generation, how long will I be with you? How long will I endure you? Bring him here to me.” Jesus rebuked him and the demon came out of him, and from that hour the boy was cured. Then the disciples approached Jesus in private and said, “Why could we not drive it out?” He said to them, “Because of your little faith. Amen, I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

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