Sunday, June 7, 2020


We may have experienced making decisions and doing things that make people, in a manner of a joke, sarcasm or mere insult, question our sanity. We can not be totally sure at all times but we should be aware of the fact that if we always go to God in prayer we can be assured that whatever situation we are in right now we can be sure of the love and care of God finding its way to us. Just like in today's 1st reading, Elijah followed God's bidding and found himself well taken care of in the midst of nowhere. Amen. Hallelujah!

1 Kings 17:1-6
1 Elijah the Tishbite, from Tishbe in Gilead, said to Ahab: “As the LORD, the God of Israel, lives, whom I serve, during these years there shall be no dew or rain except at my word.” 2 The LORD then said to Elijah: 3 “Leave here, go east and hide in the Wadi Cherith, east of the Jordan. 4 You shall drink of the stream, and I have commanded ravens to feed you there.” 5 So he left and did as the LORD had commanded. He went and remained by the Wadi Cherith, east of the Jordan. 6 Ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning, and bread and meat in the evening, and he drank from the stream.

Today’s psalm brings back memories of my angel petal. It was in October 2007 when I got this petal from a healing service headed by Bro. Carmelo. It was also the birthday of my mother at that time, she already passed away and since then I've always felt that she has always been watching over us just like a guardian angel would, which is symbolized by the angel image which appeared on the petal given to me by Bro. Carmelo. When I further researched from the Catholic Encyclopedia it only made it more significant since it is stated that "Cherubim means the Seat of the Glory of God and is interpreted: Fullness of Knowledge. Though we realize that cherubim are exalted heavenly powers and virtues; yet if thou wilt, thou too shalt be one of the cherubim. For if cherubim means, Seat of God, remember what the Scripture says: The soul of the just is the Seat of Wisdom. The word cherub (cherubim is the Hebrew masculine plural) is a word borrowed from the Assyrian kirubu, from karĂ¢bu, "to be near", hence it means near ones, familiars, personal servants, bodyguards, courtiers. It was commonly used of those heavenly spirits, who closely surrounded the Majesty of God and paid Him intimate service. Hence it came to mean as much as "Angelic Spirit". No human brain could fully comprehend what sort of mutual understanding is going on between a loving and merciful God and His child who knows only one thing, to trust. If we are building faith on an uncertain god then we ought to be afraid and anxious about our concerns. The Good News is that we have a God who is All Powerful and is at work. We have a God fighting our battles and is in control. If we stay in faith we can be assured that God will see us through everything. Although He did not promise to stop every adversity nor did not promise a smooth sailing journey or flight but we are assured of a safe landing. We just have to keep God first place and He will take us to places we never ever dreamed of. He is lining up the right people, right places, right circumstances at the right time. He is preparing for our victory and we have to get ready for God's favor right now. Even if we run out of people who are willing to help us or the situation we are in doesn't look good, today's psalm tell us not to despair for we can be assured that help is on the way. Amen. Hallelujah!

Psalm 121:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8
R: Our help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
1 I lift up my eyes toward the mountains; whence shall help come to me? 2 My help is from the LORD, who made heaven and earth. (R) 3 May he not suffer your foot to slip; may he slumber not who guards you: 4 Indeed he neither slumbers nor sleeps, the guardian of Israel. (R) 5 The LORD is your guardian; the LORD is your shade; he is beside you at your right hand. 6 The sun shall not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. (R) 7 The LORD will guard you from all evil; he will guard your life. 8 The LORD will guard your coming and your going, both now and forever.

Thomas Aquinas said that the perfect exemplification of the beatitudes can be seen if we look at Jesus. He is a happy man, a picture of freedom and joy. The main point is detachment. Jesus is detached from the things which we typically seek. He loved doing the will of His Father. We need to look to our Lord on the cross and despise what He despised on the cross, wealth, pleasure, power and honor.  Wealth, he has none he was stripped naked even of His clothes. Pleasure he was at the limit of physical and psychological suffering. Power, he was nailed on the cross. Honor, he was mocked as he was publicly displayed and crucified. On the cross, he is the ultimate peace maker and the bringer of divine mercy, if Aquinas is right then Jesus on the cross is a picture of a happy man. We are all on the building business, building a life that will endure, we are each a foreman to our building, we are masters of our own faith. Others take a material build a shack, a cathedral or build a tragedy, as William Shakespeare says, “to be or not to be” We are each given a bag of tools, a stepping stone or a stumbling block. The buildings we build are … Lost of a loved one, broken relationship and how we react to them depends on whether we have built a house on sand or rock, the test is the daily grind.  There is no end to the daily grind we just have to live one day at a time. The challenges depend whether we have taken the words of our Lord seriously. Take the extra mile. Is the Lord right? Nothing is built on hatred. Nothing lasts until it is built on love. Forgiveness is important. A person who is unforgiving suffers from various ailments. PJPII forgave the person who tried to kill him. Have we built our life on Him who is the rock? Or think that we know better. Our house is in ruin until the Lord come to make it a fitting dwelling. There is only one thing that can make us truly happy, to get to heaven. When our Lord saw the sadness of human beings he gave the formula in the sermon on the mount. Not once does He mentioned, money, fame, houses, entertainment and exotic cruises. The formula for happiness lies in the truth that our heart is at rest. According to Oscar Wilde there are 2 terrible tragedies in life, not to get what our heart sets upon or to get it. Some of us get this truth the hard way. Poverty in spirit means that we are empty. By nature of course we are like a vacuum because we have to be filled with something. When we finally get what we long for, that is when we realize that we can not have them nor could we own them forever. The only way to attain true happiness is to be possessed by the Lord. We have to learn to let go of yesterday. For example, the joys of our youth we must enjoy God’s gift to us today which is called the present. We must learn to face all these challenges with our Lord and be empty of everything except Him. The beatitudes will serve as our map in our quest to heaven. Beatitudes are like eyeglasses that help us to see what is important so as not to lose sight of what is right. Whenever we are to decide and act on something we might as well ask ourselves this, “Is this choice going to bring me closer to heaven?” The more we get our vision corrected the more we get closer to heaven. What is going to bring us closer to heaven? St. Francis of Assisi is a pilgrim in search of the glory of God. He renounced his riches and served God. These are the kinds of choices that pilgrims make to get closer to heaven. We spend our whole lives to get closer to God. We are in contact with God and making choices to be closer to God. If we live our lives as pilgrims in a journey to heaven then we will be happy. We will be recognized for our love and joy. We are not expected to take this journey alone and walk in a lonely path. The Church is with us to help us in this journey and help us to stay in the right path. The sacraments, mass, baptism and penance are the tools to reach our heavenly destiny. God never wants us to be discouraged. We can bring all our sins to Him in confession. The Eucharist the guiding light of our journey is the earthly physical presence of Christ on earth. It guides, feeds and reminds us of the manna in heaven. We also have the Blessed Mother when Jesus gave us His own mother at the cross. She loves us as her children. The final destination of our pilgrimage and journey is heaven. A reward awaits us in heaven just like any rewards program that you hear of, the more usage of a credit card the more rewards and so will it be when we have used all our talents for the Lord and offered all our sacrifices to Him. Funny how some people would prefer patronizing a certain establishment over another based on the reward but what we don't realize is that our God can reward us more than any other in this  whole  wide  world  so let us be conscious  of our actions  and always  prefer God above  everything.   Whenever we allow ourselves to be affected by the negativity of this world and the people around us then we succumb to the possibility of discord and open ourselves to further disagreement. We do not realize that when we answer back and try to vindicate ourselves we just end up complicating things even more. We should just keep silent and not say anything at all. This reminds me of what I read about preaching, it is said that we should preach with our life, live by example and just use words when necessary. We need to listen more attentively to God and commit to Him unconditionally. We should all humbly pray to God that we will be able to perseveringly live up to that challenge of being truly poor in spirit and become part of His kingdom. We have all been called to take part in this game called life.  The best way to win the game is to know how to play it and be actively involved in it. How would you like the idea of a game wherein you need not run all the way to the finish line to get your prize? We may not be aware of it but we could already be winning prizes along the way and need not wait for the final moment. The answer lies in today’s gospel and also in the version of Luke's gospel. The beatitudes has a semi hidden meaning in it. In a retreat we were asked to read them all and find out what that is, nobody was able to come up with the answer. It was just very simple. All the beatitudes are in the future tense only the first one which is “Blessed are the poor in spirit” is in the present tense. It means it is already happening right now and it is already in their hands. For it is written, theirs is the kingdom of heaven and it didn’t say will be. This means that we begin possessing it even now and have its fullness when we die and raised on the last day. The Kingdom of God is among us. Whatever relationships we have that with Jesus is above all. We prize the access to material things and all other worldly pleasures without realizing that loyalty to God is access to all. He is primary above all other things, above all our troubles, fears and whatever may be our ills and even death itself. God rules above all and He has authority on heaven and earth. We have the free will to do as we want. We have to be fully aware that the Kingdom of death has been conquered and defeated we can stand on the authority of God in Jesus who resurrected that can't be stopped because the Kingdom of heaven has already been handed to us. When Jesus' blood came upon us we are saved. But we have to acknowledge it and admit our sins and turn away from it. Jesus is the source of forgiveness and healing. We have to bear witness and reveal how great a Savior we have in Jesus, risen from the dead and only Savior of humanity. God gives us these beatitudes. It means supreme blessedness and felicity that comes from God. Being poor in spirit in the biblical sense is like the man who discovers his own limitations being a creature before the Creator. Our suffering and sorrow create a hollow place in our hearts, get our attention and make us thirst for help and love. God comforts and fills us with Himself. We accept our limitations in order for the kingdom to be a reality. For those who mourn beatitude, a Christian writer said that troubled souls are safe and the untroubled are the ones unsafe. The reason for this is because we are just in the place where God can reach us. We seem to remember God more often when we have problems. The meek and docile seek God’s will patiently in contrast to using force and control. We need to wait on Him and receive everything from the Lord with gratitude. We learn to appreciate the things in this world better, look at it in the right perspective and use it according to God's purpose. God is not limited by any circumstance and He comes to those who want Him and hunger for righteousness. We can't be pure of heart if we are fractured by sin. If we put God first in our life, He’ll come to us in a deeper way. A child of God is transformed by His grace to bring peace to the world. We become like Christ and help redeem the world. The world is contrary to the gospel. As we look to the blood of the martyrs which became the seed of the Church we also unite our own sufferings with Christ. It becomes redemptive suffering. We need to have the spirit of the beatitude to transform the world and maintain the saltiness in this life. This is the way that a Christian becomes effective to the world and be salt of the earth.   Amen. Hallelujah!

Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew 5,1-12.

"...Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.....
Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you (falsely) because of me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven....."

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