Tuesday, August 13, 2019


We were talking about the right time or age to die and a lot of answers and opinions came up with regards to this. One said she would not even think of reaching the age of 100 and mentioned one Senior citizen in the community who is already 86 and looks so tired and bent over already. Another one said she is not ready to die and doesn't want to think about it yet. Still another one just gave a smile and decided not to say anything. It was also yesterday when I heard someone narrated a very inspiring story of a person who almost died but was able to recover from her sickness and came back as a totally changed person. A lot of people could not even believe the dramatic change in her that everybody noticed how good she has become. Whenever death is being talked about there are a lot of different reactions, responses and stories being generated from people. A lot of comments and ideas were said and it even came to a point when we were already discussing about the extreme situations and were already laughing out loud. I guess, it doesn't really matter what age we die for as long as we are still able to reflect God in our life then we are indeed making the most of the life that is being given to us each day. It is very important to really prepare for that day when we will come face to face with God on our last day here on earth. I'm sure God heard everything that we said that day regarding death. Today’s 1st reading speaks about the death of Moses to augment the shortsightedness  of  how death should be viewed in order to put emphasis the importance of really paying attention to the Word of God. Moses reached the age of 120 and still a picture of God's greatness and glory and would forever leave behind a memorial of God's Almighty Power. Amen. Hallelujah!

Deuteronomy 34:1-12
...Moses was one hundred and twenty years old when he died, yet his eyes were undimmed and his vigor unabated...He had no equal in all the signs and wonders the LORD sent him to perform in the land of Egypt against Pharaoh and all his servants and against all his land, 12 and for the might and the terrifying power that Moses exhibited in the sight of all Israel.

Looking back all these years at the glorious background of our faith that has been handed to us, we can say that we are so blessed among all of God's creation. We have been endowed with such a great blessing beyond our comprehension. Just imagine ourselves meeting someone who is very admirable and impressive, we can't help but be proud and share with others our wonderful experience. That's how it is with the apostles and even more once we've come to know God. We have to be strong and of good courage. Each and every moment is a clear manifestation of God's tremendous love. No words can ever be enough to describe it. Blessed is Mother Mary for believing that what was spoken to her by the Lord would be fulfilled. We can also come to a point when we can also sing our own "Magnificat" and raise our hands to God in prayer and thanksgiving for every gift He has given to us even those gifts of sorrow. God is in charge and He will make all things work for the good. We have a God who is fighting our battles for us. God is in control. Although God will not stop every adversity but if we stay in faith, He will see us through. He did not promise life to be smooth sailing all the time but He definitely assured us of a safe landing. God has already lined up the right people, right places at the right time. He has prepared for our victory and so we should be ready for God's favor. I remember when we went to San Francisco we joined the bay cruise, were able to come up very close to the Golden GateBridge and went under it and see the amazing structures that hold it. The engineering of the bridge was amazing and very strongly built. During the cruise we got information that the bridge can withstand the powerful forces of the wind and can hold a tremendous amount of weight. It was as if this bridge was really built to last a long time and still be of service to various forms of transportation. Man's ingenuity is so impressive to come up with such a bridge that used to hold the world's longest suspension span record for a long time since 1937 when it was built. And what's amazing is that it continues to draw people to it up to the present time. Just like this bridge we have to be strong and of good courage as spoken of in Joshua. We can always render service to God in our own personal humble and little ways. And be assured that the Big Boss does not fail a single moment in fully compensating all the work that has been rendered for Him. I know that someday these things that used to impress us will cease to amaze us any longer once we've reached the place that lead us to our eternal destiny with our Almighty God. Today's psalm reading suggests a scene that pictures God's footprints side by side with each person. God makes Himself known to all in every part of the world and every where we turn is indeed a declaration of  God's undeniable presence. Let's open up our senses to the Lord's call and take action. We should give back to our Life Giver what is due Him who make us live another day in order to continue proclaiming God's goodness and mercy. Amen. Hallelujah!


Psalm 66:1-3a. 5 and 8. 16-17
R: Blessed be God who filled my soul with fire!
1 Shout joyfully to God, all you on earth, 2 sing praise to the glory of his name; proclaim his glorious praise. 3 Say to God, “How tremendous are your deeds! (R) 5 Come and see the works of God, his tremendous deeds among the children of Adam. 8 Bless our God, you peoples, loudly sound his praise. (R) 16 Hear now, all you who fear God, while I declare what he has done for me. 17 When I appealed to him in words, praise was on the tip of my tongue. (R)

God will always and without fail make His presence felt at all times if we will just seek Him in all the things that we think, say or do. He will always assure and confirm us especially in times of trouble and distress. He is always with us, will never leave nor forsake us. I know that with God there is no such thing as coincidence only Divine intervention. There was a time when I've been wanting to find this specific passage in today's gospel but I just can't locate it in the bible. I even quoted it in the letter I made for a friend and wanted so much to include the specific book, chapter and verse where to find in the bible but I was not able to do so. It is indeed a pleasant surprise that what I was trying so hard to look for is now in today's gospel which emphasized even more the message I was trying to convey to her. Another important thing that I have been reminded once again is the truth that to be a part of a community of believers is really valuable. The gospel today affirms and confirms it because Jesus Himself advises us to have someone whom we can pray with. But in connection with the reality of the presence of guardian angels there is never a single moment in our life when we are alone, all we have to do is acknowledge their presence and call on them to say our prayers with them which means that even though we can not see them physically present we can rely on them to always pray and be with us. Psalm 91:11-12 he has given his angels orders about you to guard you wherever you go. They will carry you in their arms in case you trip over a stone. 
Surely what He tells us is something that we can hold on and take to heart seriously. His great and steadfast love for us is new every morning. We can no longer deny the truth that the hand of God is always reaching out to us. Whether we reach out to Him too is all up to us. I was reminded to share about the talk of Charles Whitehead at the SCRC. It is well fitted for the readings today especially his experience on the train while riding with a bum or a punk. He described him with a shocking orange hair standing on its ends and got the surprise of his life when he felt a prompting of the Holy Spirit to tell that man standing right next to him that he has nice hair. At first he was hesitant but he finally gave in and told it to the man. With a loud and somewhat irritated voice the man snapped at him, Why did you say that for? He mastered all his strength in order to have the courage to answer him that he is a charismatic and the Holy Spirit prompted him to say that. He wasn't prepared for the response because the man asked him if the Holy Spirit has something to do with Jesus and told him that for days he has been thinking about him. He excitedly responded yes to him and that was the start of the man's conversion when he asked him if he could spend time with him and tell more about Jesus. Charles Whitehead decided for love when he risked being mugged by that punk in the train. When he courageously obeyed God he witnessed a surprising conversion of a bum. Surely there were times when we heard and experienced the voice of God giving us out of this world instructions and we responded nonchalantly as if we never heard anything or outrightly refused and rejected it. Whichever way we chose to do it before let us resolve to respond positively to God from now on. It took one courageous step on the part of Charles Whitehead and a beautiful story of conversion unfolded before him. It's about time we start doing the same thing and win them over to God's side. There is this song that I really like which has the words, "If you draw near to Him, He will draw near to you, to get a touch from the Lord is so real." We could really feel God touching our lives every single day if we only draw near to Him instead of shutting God out of our life. We may or may not be aware of it but we are definitely capable of doing this. It may sound petty for some but not a single day passes without God drawing near to us in different ways. Sometimes we just fail to see it anymore when our actions bring us farther away from God. If all our words, thoughts and deeds are always focused on God then everything else will follow. Amen. Hallelujah!

Holy gospel from Matthew 18:15-20

Jesus said to his disciples: “If your brother sins [against you], go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have won over your brother. If he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, so that ‘every fact may be established on the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ If he refuses to listen to them, tell the church. If he refuses to listen even to the church, then treat him as you would a Gentile or a tax collector...Again, amen, I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything for which they are to pray, it shall be granted to them by my heavenly Father. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

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