Sunday, January 21, 2018


Our God is our stronghold, in Him alone we must trust. Amen. Hallelujah!

2 Samuel 5: 1-7, 10

 But David did take the stronghold of Zion, which is the City of David.  David grew steadily more powerful, for the LORD of hosts was with him.

If we enter into agreement with any person we have to make sure that we are able to fulfill it and vice versa for the person whom we make a contract with. It is so disappointing when things do not turn out the way it should be and terms and conditions are not followed. I guess, we have all encountered mishaps and are dismayed along the way.  It is always best that if there's someone whom we should observe and maintain a covenant with then there should be no other but God. For His words and promises will always remain true. As in Habakkuk 2:2-3, "Write down the vision clearly upon the tablets, so that one can read it readily. For the vision still has its time, presses on to fulfillment, and will not disappoint; If it delays, wait for it, it will surely come, it will not be late." We can be assured that His covenant will last and stand firm. Thousands of years have passed and only one name remains tried and true and continues to stand the test of time and even eternity, the name above all names, Jesus. If we are to look closely and pay attention to the succession of events of the salvation history or covenant history which goes back to the time of Adam & Eve and Noah and dates way back to 1800 BC during the time of Abraham, Moses (1200), David (means the favored one,1000), Exodus (600) to the birth of our Lord Jesus we will see God’s faithfulness and steadfast love for His people.  In this time line are significant events that happened from the time of Creation when God created man who fell into sin and became unfaithful and how God continuously called us back to Him by showing us who He really is throughout the length of time. As dramatic events unfold, like the entrance of the Israelites to the promised land, the pockets of rebellion as they took over the 12 tribes and settled into a life of monarchy (kings) from their 1st king (Saul) to King David and King Solomon, the time of David is described as the greatest time of the people of God. Today’s psalm speaks of how God is pleased with His faithful servants and promises to maintain kindness forever. If we look at St. Joseph in the eyes of the Jews, we find that he is the person who gave Jesus His proper name and claim as descendant of King David. Joseph was more of a foster father, because he was truly the legal father of Jesus. In like manner, he was not just the guardian of Mary. Before the law and traditions of Israel, he was the husband of Mary of Nazareth, the one who legitimized the “virgin birth” of Jesus to Mary. In the church’s liturgy, Joseph, aside from the Blessed Mother, is the only saint mentioned in the “Divine Praises” for the Eucharistic Benediction.  Then, according to experts on the apparitions of Fatima, Joseph was the only saint who appeared with the Blessed Mother in those phenomena that happened in Portugal." All these things tell us that there is really no cause for worry and fear for we have a God who is faithful to all His promises. We should always be reminded of this reality and never doubt that everything will come to pass. Amen. Hallelujah!

Psalm 89: 20, 21-22 , 25 -26
R: My faithfulness and my mercy shall be with him.
....Once you spoke in a vision, and to your faithful ones you said “On a champion I have placed a crown; over the people I have set a youth. R. “I have found David, my servant; with my holy oil I have anointed him, That my hand may be always with him, and that my arm may make him strong.” R. “My faithfulness and my mercy shall be with him, and through my name shall his horn be exalted. I will set his hand upon the sea, his right hand upon the rivers.”

The truth is that there is no sin that God can not forgive. No sin is greater than the mercy of God. Now what is this in today's gospel that speaks of unforgiveable sin? God the Holy Spirit dwells in us and if we continue to dishonor Him with our persistent and unstoppable sinning then it could already be called blaspheming because we are continuously ignoring the constant presence of God in us. It's totally refusing God's mercy. It's plain and simple. God forgives all sins but can't forgive those who do not ask for it nor are those who aren’t sorry for it. This happens when our hearts are hardened by sin. I had been bothered by this sensitivity in my tooth and found out that it has hardened plaque and can not be fixed by a simple oral prophylaxis. It needed deep cleaning and costs much more in order to save the tooth. We need to give proper attention like constant and regular check up to the dentist in order to avoid something like this from happening. The same is true if we do not take care of our souls and continue to sin. Sin and plaque may have something in common after all.  If it becomes too hard, we may come to a point when we are beyond repair. Let us not allow this to happen and be forever stained with everlasting sin. We are all called by God to receive the promised eternal inheritance. No one is exempted or excluded from it only those who by their own free will refuse to respond to this wonderful gift. It sometimes happens when we tend to take for granted what is being given to us by setting it aside and forgetting about it. Let us be perfectly aware of this gift and get a hold of it for it is ours to keep. The good news of our salvation which was obtained for us more than 2000 years ago by Jesus Christ on the cross is still being proclaimed to this very day. There is no way we can deny the truth for heaven and earth will fade but God's words will remain. We are not bound of any chains for God has set us free, we claim victory in Jesus name. Amen. Hallelujah!

Mark 3:22-30
....But no one can enter a strong man’s house to plunder his property unless he first ties up the strong man. Then he can plunder his house. Amen, I say to you, all sins and all blasphemies that people utter will be forgiven them. 29 But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never have forgiveness, but is guilty of an everlasting sin.”

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