Friday, October 13, 2017


There is a need for an extensive study of not only the 4 gospels written in the New Testament which are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John if we really want to know more about Jesus and develop a personal relationship with Him. One important thing which I realized is that when we study the gospels we also have to take into consideration also the geographical make up of the land and people during the time of Jesus. Today's 1st reading reminded me of the 5th gospel mentioned in our bible study. Having an idea of the location where Jesus lived and spent most of his lifetime here on earth, which is the modern day Palestine of today is important and can add up to the creativity of how we picture Jesus. It is also a consolation especially for all of us who are residing in Los Angeles (LA) County area that Palestine has almost the same latitude as LA. To have this kind of impression that Jesus would be very comfortable living in LA is something we can also ponder on while claiming the blessing that is being declared on the promised land of God. Amen. Hallelujah!

Joel 4:12-21 ...Then shall you know that I, the LORD, am your God, dwelling on Zion, my holy mountain; Jerusalem shall be holy, and strangers shall pass through her no more. 18 And then, on that day, the mountains shall drip new wine, and the hills shall flow with milk; and the channels of Judah shall flow with water: a fountain shall issue from the house of the LORD, to water the Valley of Shittim.

We don't want to be losers here in this life, do we? All the more should we not want to be losers in the next life for eternity. We have a God who fights our battles and we are assured of His victory already. We should all be well aware of God’s angels that surround us and are sent by God to us to always light, guide, rule and guard. It is just a matter of persevering and committing to the task that we are all called to fulfill. To live a life of faith in words, thoughts and deeds in our Lord Jesus Christ who lived, died and resurrected all for our sake. Erase all doubts and be faithful to the One God who is most high above every other god. We should develop an image of God that is fitting to Him as described in today's psalm. There are significant events in our life that we can associate with certain major decisions we made and can never forget. The place where we are right now is exactly where God wants us to be. If God brings us here then He will bring us through it. God knows exactly and with perfection what is being allowed to happen to us in our life at this precise moment. God's purpose for us is simply perfect. He wants to show us things that only we can understand by living what we are living and by being in the place where we are now. That's God, He passes us through a lot of things for us to see His glory. We all long to become a member or even be identified with groups and associations that hold a good name and reputation. It helps us in many ways and keeps us abreast with the latest trends in our profession for example. It could be considered an asset and we would definitely not leave it out from our resume because it speaks well of us. There are even associations that require us to fulfill certain requirements in order to qualify. We even have to go out of our way and make some sacrifices such as go through rigid screening, pass certain examinations and maintain certain units in order to comply with the qualifications. All of these we are willing to do and make ourselves able just to belong. Considering that these are all earthly memberships that could only last a lifetime. What about eternal memberships that continue even after this life is over? To be a part of the Kingdom where our Lord is King is the ultimate goal we should all set our eyes on. Whenever we are faced with problems and difficulties in life we should always find consolation in a God whom nothing is lost for He knows and sees all. We may still not be in perfect shape for the Lord but God is constantly at work in those who are just and upright of heart.  We have all the reasons to rejoice and be glad knowing that we have a God who is just. We should always acknowledge that without God we are nothing and God's power over us can only go as far as we allow Him to. Nothing else matters more than this truth that we have a God who is high over all the earth and exalted far above all gods. Amen. Hallelujah!

Psalm 97:1 and 2b. 5-6. 11-12
R: Rejoice in the Lord, you just!
...Clouds and darkness are round about him, justice and judgment are the foundation of his throne. (R) 5 The mountains melt like wax before the LORD, before the Lord of all the earth. 6 The heavens proclaim his justice, and all peoples see his glory. (R) The LORD loves those that hate evil; he guards the lives of his faithful ones; from the hand of the wicked he delivers them. (R) 11 Light dawns for the just; and gladness, for the upright of heart.12 Be glad in the LORD, you just, and give thanks to his holy name...

The study of the scriptures is one of the best ways to be really blessed. God consistently reminds and shows us that if there's one thing we should prioritize that is to be mindful of the things that will make us truly blessed. Today's gospel shows us that, we like Mary, who is Mother of God, full of grace, blessed among women, and bore Jesus in her womb can also be blessed if we listen and observe the word of God. Mary's privilege and honor as the Mother of God is no doubt a singular grace given to her alone. She has been greatly blessed by God for being chosen to carry Jesus in her womb and nurse her. It has been written and foretold from generations past. There is no question about this as it is written in Luke 1:48, "For he has looked upon his lowly servant; from this day all generation will call me blessed."  Though, Jesus in today's gospel tells us that we are not far from attaining it. Predestination is one thing but to hear the word of God and observe it is another thing. We have all been given this option of being blessed as Mary is. All we have to do is to hear the word of God and observe it. Amen. Hallelujah!

Luke 11:27-28
While he was speaking, a woman from the crowd called out and said to him, “Blessed is the womb that carried you and the breasts at which you nursed.” He replied, “Rather, blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it.” 

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