Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Anger is a very strong feeling that can get out of control. We may have been a victim of this because we are easily carried away by our emotions. Although we may still be susceptible to getting angry, we should be more aware of this emotion and how it operates. Another strategy before we succumb to it, we should immediately think of how Jesus would react to our outburst. Our constant pondering of the scriptures could improve our attitude especially because it gives us a better perspective of how to handle anger. Everything is grace from God. Nothing in this world continues to be without God's Almighty power holding it in place. Sometimes we forget who we really are, where we came from, what we're created and called for and why we are here in this world and still exist up to this very moment. Today's 1st reading is a wake up call for the chosen people of God as spoken by the prophet Isaiah. When we are not in touch with this reality then we might end up exhausting all our efforts just for nothing. Let us not stray away and always be mindful of this truth so that we are always connected to the only one and true source of all powers.  Amen. Hallelujah!

Isaiah 10:5-7, 13b-16
...My hand has seized like a nest the riches of nations; as one takes eggs left alone, so I took in all the earth; no one fluttered a wing, or opened a mouth, or chirped!” 15 Will the axe boast against him who hews with it? Will the saw exalt itself above him who wields it? As if a rod could sway him who lifts it, or a staff him who is not wood!...

I could never forget this young lady when I was watching this TV game show in the The Filipino Channel (TFC). This very young contestant was barely 18 years old at that time. She was so firm in her convictions that she did not change her mind not even once with the color she had chosen which she was hoping to contain the jackpot prize despite the rising money offers given to her and the probability that what she chose contains nothing at all. She said that every time she's at home and watching the show she already promised herself that she would choose the color blue if she would be given a chance to play as a contestant. She even said that she was not supposed to be in the show, it so happened that somebody backed out that's why she got the reserved slot for that person. So she felt it that it was already a great opportunity that she was able to go there and much more to be the final contestant who got the chance to play and win the jackpot prize. She said that before she went there she had no money in her pocket and got nothing to lose. All these things she figured out and realized, I guess, gave her the confidence to go through it all to the end. She was so brave in declaring that no matter what happens she would not change her choice as if telling everybody that she wouldn't be there for nothing and could really feel it. She did not doubt nor falter for a moment even when her siblings who were called to join her were already doubting and wanted to go for the cash offer rather than risk getting nothing. When the game came to a point when the host was offering her a big amount of money in exchange for the color she had chosen she did not give in and bravely stood her ground. When she was asked for the last time, she remained firm and true to her word. She was right and got the jackpot prize. Sometimes, we too, are confronted with life situations when we are tempted to doubt and falter in our faith in God. We should not lose sight of the things that God has promised us no matter how uncertain things may be, we should not forget that we are God's people and He would never turn His back on us and we can always count on Him. Just like that young lady who is barely 18 years old we should also find in ourselves the courage and strength to be firm in our convictions and stand our ground. If we truly believe and are confident that we have a loving God who looks after our welfare then we should not have any more room for doubt that we have to choose God above all. Even if there are or will be times when we are really driven by our emotions, let's keep it at bay and believe that God knows what we're going through and entrust our anger to Him. If we lack understanding and knowledge of the things we ought to know then we can always ask from God who would never deny any good thing from us. He would surely grant it to us if we truly ask from our hearts. The wisdom of the world is folly to God. No matter how wise and intelligent a person may be if his or her whole being is not surrendered to God then all our efforts are futile or will eventually end up for nothing. God governs all and everything that happens is within His knowledge and will. Amen. Hallelujah!

Psalm 94:5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 14-15
R: The Lord will not abandon his people.
...And they say, “The LORD sees not; the God of Jacob perceives not.” 8 Understand, you senseless ones among the people; and, you fools, when will you be wise? (R) 9 Shall he who shaped the ear not hear? or he who formed the eye not see? 10 Shall he who instructs nations not chastise, he who teaches men knowledge?... (R) 14 For the LORD will not cast off his people, nor abandon his inheritance; 15 but judgment shall again be with justice, and all the upright of heart shall follow it. (R)

Today I am reminded once again of my experience in St. Martha's Church when I was just new in the parish in 2008. I was so surprised when I saw the statue of Jesus in St. Martha Church here in West Covina.  It was a first Friday of Feb 2008 when I envisioned this statue of Jesus with its extended right arm holding His heart on his hand. Tita Piling was with me then so I asked her if that is a statue of the Sacred Heart because I have never seen anything like one before, but she simply nodded her head. That was how I saw it. It appeared to me like He was handing over His heart to me. But on the day we went for Sunday mass I found out that the image/statue which I envisioned was not how I saw it on that day with Jesus extending his arm offering His heart on his hand.   To my surprise when I came closer to the statue, I realized that it is indeed the Sacred Heart of Jesus but not as I had seen it on the 1st Friday of that month. The heart of Jesus was not in His hand but on His chest. I was almost in tears and felt God's love being offered to me as symbolized by His heart held on His extended hand. A lot of people may find it hard to believe that I have seen Jesus holding His heart on His extended hand but the eyes of my faith can not deny it. Matters of the faith are very difficult to accept and understand for some people for they will always question and rationalize things. The vision I had of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is quite difficult to believe. There are some things that can not be explained and we simply have to pray to God to reveal them in our hearts. This is why Jesus in today's gospel emphasized the importance of being like the little children. We, grown ups are always caught up in the cares and concerns of this world that we sometimes forget  who really is in charge of everything and tend to overpower God. The same way a child entrusts everything to his/her parents we, too should learn to trust that God our Father will take care of us. We can learn a lot from the children who are full of trust and confidence in their parents. I am also reminded of Jude since he is a product of the Sacred Heart of Jesus miracle. When he was still a little boy, he used to move and act like his father in many ways. There are certain mannerisms that he got from his father even as a little boy which are really noticeable. As he was growing up I noticed that he has this peculiar attitude to his father that I have mistaken as fear since his father is very strict and very much a disciplinarian. There was one time when I was so irritated with his father and started venting out my anger verbally. I never expected that Jude who was very young at that time would say, "You are always angry at my father." He really sounded like he was in favor of his father and I never forgot that. Despite the many times that his father exercised rigid discipline on them which I thought was too rough, he remained loyal to his father. It made me realize that all the while what I thought was fear was really respect. If we will only learn the secret of the childlike then we can surely acquire the wisdom of God. If we always maintain in us, a high level of confidence in God who is our loving Father then we are not far from achieving it. May we acquire the trusting attitude of the children and continue to discover the wonders of God’s love as a perfect father to us. Amen. Hallelujah!

Matthew 11:25-27
25 At that time Jesus exclaimed: “I give praise to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike.

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