Saturday, April 20, 2013


The love of God is so perfect in every way that we can not find a trace of the slightest irregularity in its perfection. This is why it is not forced or mandatory. The same is true with the word of God. Today's 1st reading tells us how salvation was offered first to the Jews, then to the Gentiles and to the rest of the world. It is all up to us how we choose to respond to it. May we all realize the impact of this reality in our life now and for eternity. It doesn't mean that if we are friends of Christ we are totally free from life's difficulties and trials. There are still times when we are tensed and our hearts are troubled. We still worry, become anxious and afraid because we live in this reality. We should accept the fact, that just like Paul and Barnabas in today's 1st reading, who worked hard to spread the Good News they were still susceptible to the violence of this world. We can strive to avoid suffering but there is nothing we can do to eliminate it altogether. We can not prevent events that cause this. We still have trouble in our hearts. No one is capable of doing this only God who became man and entered this world.  But let us not forget that even Jesus, the Son of God, who is true God and true Man was greatly distressed and troubled at the Garden of Gethsemane (Luke 22:42-44) He prayed to God, "Father if Thou be willing remove this cup from me nevertheless not My will but Thine be done." When we pray to God this does not eliminate either what we are distressed of. We pray but still go through our mini passion. In the light of these things we ought to remember always that evil and death has no power over us because Jesus is resurrected. Whoever has God lacks nothing, He alone suffices. God will always prioritize us, His people but if we are stubborn and don't want to listen then we forfeit our price. Have you ever experienced your name or raffle ticket being called out in a draw and you forfeited your price because you weren't there, you weren't patient in waiting or you just decided that it would be better for you to just leave. Let us keep in mind that the price of eternal life is worth all our time and treasure. No one is excluded from the gift of eternal life. Everybody is given the same privilege as were given to the chosen people of God. God is fair and just in all His ways. All we need to do is respond in the way that the Gentiles did in today's 1st reading instead of reject it like what most of the Jews did. If we've really come to believe then we should also work to spread the Word of God. No one should ever claim that they haven't heard or known about God since it is our prime duty to spread and make it known throughout the whole world. Amen. Hallelujah! 

Acts 13:14, 43-52
...Both Paul and Barnabas spoke out boldly and said, “It was necessary that the word of God be spoken to you first, but since you reject it and condemn yourselves as unworthy of eternal life, we now turn to the Gentiles. 47 For so the Lord has commanded us, ‘I have made you a light to the Gentiles, that you may be an instrument of salvation to the ends of the earth.’ ”

The Jews knew of the prophecy that from King David’s lineage would come forth a King, the foretold Messiah of Israel. During the reign of King Ahaz and all other kings of Israel who did evil things the royalty was cut off. During the Babylonian captivity and in exile, those born of the line of David, of royal blood went in hiding for fear of being killed. Even though the divinic dynasty was cut off, from the tree of Jesse, the father of King David, came forth the shoot that brought forth the King. We remember that it was prophesied in Isaiah 11:1 And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots.” The genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1 tells of this family tree. We would find at the end of this lineage, Joseph who is the husband of Mary the mother of Jesus. Joseph is not king but a carpenter and being Jew knew of the prophecy as foretold by the prophet including this one from Isaiah 7:14 … the Lord Himself shall give you a sign, “Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call His name Emmanuel.” as spoken to him by the angel who appeared to him. He finally understood the fulfillment of God’s promise to Israel. Isaiah is important to better understand Jesus. Joseph knew of the need for secrecy and not to make public these things because the reigning king at that time is Herod. He is not Jew but an Edomite who was just appointed by the Romans to be king. He is king not for the Jews but for the Romans to collect taxes for them. This is mainly the reason why Herod wants all male babies born at the time of Jesus, dead. Joseph dreamed a lot of dreams and it was through them that Joseph was able to successfully carry out his mission as the protector of the baby Jesus. Another point of reference here is the fact that in the Old Testament (OT) there was a foreshadowing of the Magi or Wise Men who came to worship Jesus in the manger. It was at the time of the reign of Balak an evil king in the OT when Balaam also a wise man from the East prophesied in Numbers 24:15,18 that there shall come a Star out of Jacob and a Scepter shall rise out of Israel who will dispossess Edom. He was asked to exact a curse upon Israel but from his mouth came forth a blessing. A star and a scepter signifies kingship. In parallel, it was also the 3 wise men who were looking for a star that would direct them to the newborn King of Israel who would inform Herod of his whereabouts but warned in a dream not to go back to him in a dream. Jesus is truly our King. The Kingship of Jesus is accompanied by many more wonderful things that we still have to know of. In the Jewish tradition the # 3 and 7 stands for perfection and completeness. It is somehow puzzling to know that there are 3 sets of 14 generations from the time of Abraham to the exile to the time of Jesus. So why the #14? The significance of the #14 stands for the name of King David which is equivalent to 14 in Hebrew.  The 3 sets of 14 stands for perfect royalty and king that all leads to Jesus. It could also be equivalent to 6 sets of 7. The #6 signifies the date when the beast is made or the beginning thus the #666 which signifies the beast of all beasts. The 6 of 7 sets could mean the beginning of the 7th set. 7 is also the Sabbath. The new 7 is the new creation. Jesus is the beginning of the 7th set. Why the fuss in all of these? It is a consolation to know that we have a God who is King. The King of kings and the Lord of lords. We will eventually come face to face with our Creator and God who made heaven and earth. The time is now to make a conscious move to be in touch with this truth. It is such a waste that we don't always realize God's presence among us. When there is nothing more rewarding than to always be aware of God's presence and cry out to Him in joy. Whenever we are in a relationship with someone and give our 100% into it then we can not help but expect it to work. But there are times too when we have given our all and yet it doesn't seem to be enough. We sometimes are bound for disappointments. When these things happen then is really no reason to be sad for we can always go to God for consolation whose love for us endures forever. We are all called to become partakers and residents of the eternal Kingdom of God.  The invitation to be His favorite is open to all because we are all special to Him. Only through enrichment of our souls can we truly appreciate and experience this reality now and for all eternity. If we as human beings are concerned about our physical appearance, all the more should we strive to enhance our overall spiritual condition. We should also build up spiritual muscles and strive to maintain a balanced Christian life. The best way to do it is to always attach to the main source of all goodness. In the horror movie entitled, "Nightmare on Elm Street" every time the girl in this movie falls asleep, her nightmare begins and Freddie Krueger appears to wreak evil and havoc in her life. She has to stay awake or else something really bad happens to her and the people around her. Somehow this should make us realize the importance of being awake, conscious and in touch with reality. If there's one thing that we have to always be aware of, that is God has our best interest in mind. It may not be easy to see, understand and have a grip on this reality always especially at times when we seem down and out as in falling flat on bed without a care in the world like dumb sleepyheads. We have to rise, wake up and shine. We ought to always get a hold of this truth in today's psalm and never let it leave our consciousness. We will eventually come face to face with our Creator, and the time is now to make a conscious move to be in touch with this truth. Our devotion to God should have no limits for He is Almighty, All Powerful and Holy. We should remain faithful to God and never stray away from the path where He leads us. Let us stay within the flock that God has formed for us. When we are being cared for by God who is constantly and consistently good, kind and faithful forever and ever then we are confident that we are safe and secure in the fold where we belong like a flock tended by the Good Shepherd. We should always remember that we have a God who cares for all our needs for we belong to Him. May we all take part in the grand banquet that God has prepared for us in heaven. Amen. Hallelujah!

Psalm 100:1-2, 3, 5
R: We are his people, the sheep of his flock.
1 Sing joyfully to the LORD, all you lands; 2 serve the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful song. (R) 3 Know that the LORD is God; he made us, his we are; his people, the flock he tends. (R) 5 The LORD is good: his kindness endures forever, and his faithfulness, to all generations.

Today's readings answer in a way everything there is to know about the saints and what to do to be like them.  We must realize that it is not only them who have been given the privilege to be a saint but all of us. We are called to fulfill our destiny in being union with God. We must remain hopeful that when that day comes we will be one of those fortunate ones bearing the seal of the Lord. God is constantly reminding us of His great love for us, calls us by name and considers us as His own. We should always be aware of this privilege and not forfeit the benefits and honor to be counted as one of these people being spoken of in today's 1st reading. Only the tough gets going and the survivor lives. This is a standing regulation in most extreme challenge game shows or high rating reality shows that are very popular nowadays. This is exciting for most of us to watch on television because we see how they battle with their skills and find their way up to the winner’s spot. The winner gets home with the trophy and the most exciting prizes that they could think of.  A very attractive package of gifts and surprises are in store for the winner. This is one of the things that lure people to go for it. Only those who dare to take the challenge can emerge as the winner. Somehow we could connect this type of thing with this passage from today’s 2nd reading. We ought to realize that just like those extreme challengers, we are also participants of this game called life and in the end when everything is over and done, a prize awaits us. No eye has seen, no ear has heard nor can we imagine what God has ready for those who love Him. Amen. Hallelujah!

Revelation 7:9, 14b-17
9 I, John, had a vision of a great multitude, which no one could count, from every nation, race, people, and tongue. They stood before the throne and before the Lamb, wearing white robes and holding palm branches in their hands. 14 Then one of the elders said to me, “These are the ones who have survived the time of great distress; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. 15 “For this reason they stand before God’s throne and worship him day and night in his temple. The one who sits on the throne will shelter them. 16 They will not hunger or thirst anymore, nor will the sun or any heat strike them. 17 For the Lamb who is in the center of the throne will shepherd them and lead them to springs of life-giving water, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”

Sometimes we hear so many voices from all around telling us what to do.  We need to concentrate or focus which voice to listen so we do not end up distracted. We may have experienced getting two different opinions at the same time and become lost. There's nothing to worry about if we've accustomed ourselves to God's voice. We will surely distinguish it from the nuisances. Especially when God's heart and our hearts have become hearts beating as one. No one can snatch us away from God's strong and caring hands.  If we are confident in this truth and really believe this then there is no more room for us to fret and be anxious for we are under His care, safe and secure. We better put our act together and make a stand for it. For no one can't take that away. We are the sheep, the Lord is the Good Shepherd. Jesus leads us to green pastures and in it we find rest. No amount of success and prosperity in life can ever suffice the deep longing in our heart and soul. As we go along life we find joy and happiness in the people we meet, the things of this world and the relationships we form with friends and loved ones. But almost always all of these never last and if they do it will only be throughout our lifetime. All of us has to leave this present life and on to the next. If we are not being led by the Good Shepherd then we will find ourselves lost in the process. Only Jesus can truly lead us to everlasting happiness. Amen. Hallelujah!

John 10:27-30
Jesus said: “My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. No one can take them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one can take them out of the Father’s hand. The Father and I are one.”

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